Betta's As Feeder Fish.

You do realize rice patties aren't the only places these fish live, right? They also live in streams and lakes as well. Not only that..but any fish that is smaller then another fishes a natural prey item.

ooops i forgot to say rice patty bettas dont have any fish predators. Lol yes i am aware that tehy do inhabit or bodies of water. I said i doubt that there are any fish predators in these patties, i didnt say i was sure though :p
It used to be very common for rice farmers to stock their fields with all sorts of fish, but due to the use of pesticides this practice had fallen out of favour until recently. Now without the fish to help keep the fields fertile, rice production in some areas has fallen, which has prompted more farmers to once again stop heavy use of pesticides and stock fish... in other words, it's entirely possible for bettas in rice paddies to have piscine predators. This is ignoring the predatory birds, amphibians, and snakes which go wherever they please :p
I went into one of the new LPS today and saw a tiny tank full of mangled male betta's and written on the tank said feeder betta's. :crazy:

Surely this is against the law? Gah.. poor fishies, I was so tempted to rescue one or two. :/

Anyone else seen this before?

Well wether its with or against the law, its no different feeding cichlid fry, guppys, goldfish, mollys or any other small readily available cheap fish to a predatory one- just because its a betta doesn't make it any different or worse/better. I love guppys but i readily accept they are commonly used as feeder fish, in fact i am quite happy for them to be used as feeder fish as they are healthier to eat for fish in comparison to goldfish, and usually small enough to eaten/killed in one or 2 bites.
The only scenario when i disagree with other live fish been fed to other fish, is when the fish is too big or hardy to be killed almost instantly/within the first minute of been attacked by the predatory fish- like some idiot trying to feed a 7inch comet goldfish to a group of piranhas.
Also, to the comment of bettas shouldn't be fed to other fish that are not present in their natural habitats or somthing- i think thats a bit stupid, if that is wrong, then surely people mixing different species of fish from all over the world is wrong too? As i said though i don't see a problem with feeder fish as long as they are quickly killed and healthy for the predatory fish in question, and the predatory fish is also well cared for.

But yeah, leaving a tank full of unhealthy and unhappy feeder fish is not on- just because they are feeder fish, doesn't mean they should be any well less looked after than non-feeder fish for sale -_- .
I actually know a betta breeder who keeps an arowana to eat his betta culls. Of course the Arowana is supplemented with a staple diet, but gets deformed bettas for treats. I think this is a humane way and a smart way to cull bettas... Because its nature's course. I am afraid will get flamed for this post, but it is just IMHO. Using alcohol to euthanize bettas or w/e chemichals is "humane" but the result is the same.

What are you thoughts on this?
I actually know a betta breeder who keeps an arowana to eat his betta culls. Of course the Arowana is supplemented with a staple diet, but gets deformed bettas for treats. I think this is a humane way and a smart way to cull bettas... Because its nature's course. I am afraid will get flamed for this post, but it is just IMHO. Using alcohol to euthanize bettas or w/e chemichals is "humane" but the result is the same.

What are you thoughts on this?
I had to cull some 5 day old fry because they still were not free swimming and sickly and I just gave them to my Betta albimarginata :dunno:
Luckily I've never had to do it, but if any of my older fry had problems that would be too detrimental for them to live normal lives I'd give them too my oscar.

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