bettas and sand?


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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can bettas have sand in their homes? if so, what kind of sand? how about those clay/terra cotta pots made into caves, do they like those?

my bettas is in an old flower vase now because i needed 2 let my guppy babys uses his house, so im going 2 get 3 more bettas this week, hopefully, and a new home for him and 1 for the rest, so i before i decorated the homes i needed 2 know.
ok, so how about river rocks? thats what i had in barrys, thats my bettas, bowl (its a big 1.5 gallon bowl, not like the little ones 1fs have them in) but theyre shinny so i dont know if theres something on them or theyre naturally like that.
there is nothing wrong with those clay pots in your betta's environment, just make sure to clean them well first. as far as sand, there's nothing wrong with that either. i have a couple bettas with sand substrate and they like it just fine.
oh thats great, how do u clean the clay pots?
i just scrubbed mine really well and lightly boiled them for a minute. they were brand new though, never had any plants in them. either way scrubbing and boiling should do the trick
ok, thanks :D now i just hope my parents wont mind more bettas
I heard you can use children's play sand, its the cleanist, you have to be careful of sand (especially the very white one thats sold in LFS's for marine aquariums because they have a buffer in it, this causes a change in pH values) I'm also wanting to get small teracotta pot plants for decor....
happy decorating :)
I don't have any sand but I do have a little pot in with two of my betta's. Haku my male ignored it for the longest time but has recently taken a great interest in it. He scared me once because i couldn't find him and I didn't think he would be in there. Anyhow he enjoys it quite a bit now.
lol, i lost my gourami in a clay pot thing in my bigger tank
I keep Betta in sand tanks with no problems. My females are in a 30 gallon with a terra cotta pot and one of my males is in a 10 gallon with a small decoration to hide in. Sand and pots are fine so long as they're clean.

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