Bettas And Filters


New Member
Aug 20, 2012
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Hi all - we bought a betta from a pet store on the weekend and were told they can live in 1 litre small tanks and do not require a filter/bubbler. Is this correct? Our betta hasn't eaten for 4 days, which I understand can be usual, but he is also coming to the surface of the water and making little bubbles. Is this because the water is not oxygenated enough? Any opinions would be appreciated.

Contrary to popular belief, bettas need a cycled five gallon tank with a heater and filter.The bubbling at the surface is because they have to breathe air.
:hi: to TFF

What size tank is the betta in? I personally wouldn't recommend keeping them in much less than 5 gallons, though they can be kept in smaller. 1L is tiny though - nothing can really live in that. Bettas need proper setups just like other fish, rather than the vases or "betta bowls" stores may try to sell for them.

Bettas do need filters as well as heaters, and really, the filter should be fishlessly cycled before adding fish. I believe there's a thread on this in the beginners section.

If the bubbles are collecting together like a 'nest', this is what is known as a bubble nest. It's a normal thing for a male betta to make. If they're not collecting together, bettas do get their oxygen from the air as Zephyrstarplaties said, which can make sometimes make small bubbles :good:
i've had bettas in 5 gal and 10 gal aquariums. i never cycled them and i tested the water and it was always fine.
i'm not sure you can even cycle a 5 gal.

anyways, a filter an aeration help. just as long as it doesn't annoy the fish. they have filters that have an adjustable flow. and putting in a bubble wall can help
kick up uneaten food for the filter to suck up.

i posted this before here, i have a betta that plays for hours in his bubble wall. i normally keep it turned down low but when i get home i turn it on and he 'surfs' it.

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