Bettas and Angels

I'll agree that it might be ok under these special circumstances. Only because your betta is a plakat which gives him quicker defense,shorter finnage to nip at, and he's much faster than your average betta. Still....eyes peeled for the first few days ;)
Yes I know I'm crazy and IMO and ya guys prolly agree with me, I think I have mental problems! :p but yea.... just keep a close eye on em
I'm not sure if they get along or not, but I don't think you can put 2 angels and a betta in a 5 gallon. Not even an angel alone should be in a 5 gallon! It's too small of space!
And BTW sneakbetta I think your 6 gallon might be a tad too small for that dwarf gourami... I've read they are most comfortable in at least a 10 gallon. JMHO.

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