

Fish Addict
Nov 25, 2003
Reaction score
Southern Cali
I believe the Bettamax package says something like "Add one capsule for every five gallons of water. Treat every other day for five days. Treatment should be repeated 3 times."

Does this mean repeat the initial treatment twice with full dosage of one capsule per 5 gallons?

Just want to be clear on this . . .

Oh yes, I discovered last night while reading the instructions that Aquatronics is located in the town I live in! How cool is that? I just called them and asked if they were going out of business and they told me no, they're just moving around, Whatever that means. He said if you guys have any questions to give them a call.
ya, i got bettamax which i'm using right now, and i'm only using one capsule for my 10gal every other day or so. and i gotta say, it works GREAT! my once traumatized, lifeless, betta is now him old self again, after being torn to rags by my ferocious girl who got loose. HOORAY FOR BETTAMAX!

oh ya....that question confused me. lol.
i just picked up my first package of it last weekend, not because i needed it at the time but because i figured it was good to have around. in a way i hope i never have to use it but from everything i've read about it, sounds like a good product ;)

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