

Nov 27, 2003
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I won some bettamax from aquabid and it came in a bulk powder, 10 grams, package. Now on the directions it says to use 250 mg's. How do I know how much is 250 mg's? Is it like a pinch of the stuff or what? I didn't do very good in school when it came to this stuff. Thanks for the help in advance.

If I understand your post correctly why don't you weigh 250mg out on scales? Although they would have to be quite accurate to read in the mg's (usually on normal kitchen scales they work in grams not nearly accurate enough)

On another point what does betta max do? I've heard of it, is it a general betta conditioner or is it just for when your betta is ill or off colour? Thanks
Quote from direction:
"BettaMax is an effective aid for the treatment and prevention of bacterial infections, fungal infections, mouth and body fungus, fraying tails and fins, listlessness, poor appetite, splits or holes in fins and tals, poor water quality, discoloration and vitamin deficiency. BettaMax is found to be mose effective on bettas, guppies, and all fancy finned fish. BettaMaz used as directed is safe in the communit tank and will not affect biological filter beds."

I was just about to go to wally world and see if they had something in the pharmacy section to help me out. I don't have any scales or anything like that in my apartment. Thanks though.

I come from England what is a Wally world?? Like a builders merchants or something?? :fun:
Hi freshwatergal :)

Why not talk to your druggist? Perhaps he might be able to suggest a way to measure out that much. Maybe not, but it's worth a try.

Or, you could contact Aquatronics, the manufacturer of BettaMax. Here's their toll-free phone number:

You have an interesting problem; please let me know how you solve it. :D

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