BettaDate, You choose the Winner

Ladies and Gentleman, We have a winner

The lucky Bachelor is Poseidon!!!

You win!!!!!!!

1 week stay at a 1 gallon hotel, with Live room, Room service..and TLC!

Than for the Grand Prize,

You and Amphitrite, get to stay 1 week at a Ten Gallon Hotel, with live food, and IAL

Thanks for playing.........

Stay tune for the next episode of BettaDate.....Where we help you, Win!!!!!!!

Credits Roll---------

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Im having second thoughts >__>

I love Hades Bold dark colors, and I love how his blumped up :D and his tail is spadish

I love Poseidon cuz his bright.....and cuz of that orange >__>

But Hades or Amphy could carry it too.....

Oh boy......decisons decisons.....
SandyMushCowgirl said:
DaSauce you are so hilarious. :rofl: Good luck with your decesion. :D


I made my mind, I choose Poseidon cuz the orange

SMC, I am gonna do Both :hey: like you said,

This november its Posey......and in the Summer it shall be Hades :hey:
DaSauce89 said:
Persephone :blink: Sounds cool

What does it mean :hey:

'Tis mythology. To condense, Hades carried Persephone off to the underworld, but her mother didn't like it so she appealed to Zeus, and as long as she hadn't eaten anything she could come back. But she'd eaten some pomegranite seeds, so for everyone she ate she had to stay a month in the underworld. Thats why theres seasons.

Well, 'tis roughly right -_- .
I have betta named Poseidon and Amphitrite, I even considered the name Hades for Neptune, but it didn't suit him (he is a bright colored coward). That is too funny! Gorgeous fish by the way!

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