Fish Crazy
Mar 12, 2004
Reaction score
northern IL
i was at the pet store today and i saw this betta that gave me the "take me home" look. so what did i do? i bought it. :D :p :rolleyes:
My lfs has the most beautiful bettas, I have a 75 gallon tank in the middle of the fishless cycle!

I plan to house, tetras and other small fish.

I know always have bettas in small bowls, but does anyone have bettas in large aquariums!

Also, what other fish are good matches :D :D :D
I have a beta in a 29gallon tank with 2 gouramis, 2 bala sharks and a crab. Just fine.
Is this a coincidence or what? Today I saw a cute little oto catfish being pushed around by his tankmates. What did I do? I bought him, along with a ghost shrimp for a tankmate. buys a betta, Itty Bitty Betta buys a catfish. :) Are otos supposed to be nervous-like?
Itty Bitty Betta said: buys a betta, Itty Bitty Betta buys a catfish. :)
LMAO. :rofl: his colors are white, red and light blue. i would put a pic on but i don't know how. i have a lot of pics of him.
mollies make great tank mates for bettas that is what i have in my 5g 2 female mollies 1 male molly and a male betta. plus 10 molly fry in a net. Yes i plan on going bigger.
My male betta community attempts all ended in disaster but I do have a female in my 29 with balloon mollies and neons and she's doing really well. Once I sell all my molly fry I think I'm going to start a female betta tank.

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