
way for what?? and do you guys cycle your betta tank? I would probably just use the same water from the 20 gallon or is this a no-no?
Hmmmm... I do have cycled gravel. Does that count, because I use it in all my tanks, not because it's cycled, but because it's what I have on hand?
itty bitty
I did it the hard way forever! That azoo filter is my best friend. It's so small it would fit on your tanks too! I use it pretty much as a community filter, it goes in all the tanks. I don't fear spreading disease because my bettas are healthy and they all get the same stuff anyway, such as my FINGER when I'm handing out food, I don't wash my hands in between each & every betta and they also share the baster the scoop cup etc. :lol: I guess I'm like the mom who wipes all of her kids noses with the same rag :kira: (I DO change out the filter floss between tanks though)

as long as you do partial water changes a FEW times a week until his tank is cycled you and he should be fine.

Edit to itty~
Yes, your betta tanks that are 6 weeks and older are probably cycled already, the others are probably in thenitrite stages, you can share gravel from your oldest tank ;)
Yay!! I'll like do a water change every other day is that ok? and can I use the water from the 20 gallon or no?
Thanx for the vote of confidence! And where is the pic of your betta? Not even a description. HMPH! :angry:

BTW, I'm a guy, last I checked. :lol: [/QUOTE]
Hi Itty Bitty Betta :)

:*) :eek: :*) I'm so sorry.........and surprised! :*) :X :*)
wuvmybetta said:
itty bitty
I did it the hard way forever! That azoo filter is my best friend. It's so small it would fit on your tanks too! I use it pretty much as a community filter, it goes in all the tanks.
That's interesting. You use the Azoo when you clean? How long do you let it run for each tank?
Inchworm said:
Thanx for the vote of confidence! And where is the pic of your betta? Not even a description. HMPH! :angry:

BTW, I'm a guy, last I checked. :lol:
Hi Itty Bitty Betta :)

:*) :eek: :*) I'm so sorry.........and surprised! :*) :X :*) [/quote]
Don't worry about it! :lol: This is the internet! What matters is WHAT DOES YOUR NEW BETTA LOOK LIKE! :lol:
about 15 to 20 minutes, while the bettas throw a hissy fit and fights with the current, some get really dramatic and hide under the plants :rolleyes:

EDIT~ sorry itty, I thought so too :*) :lol: , but it's so cool meeting a guy who loves bettas! YAAAAY! :D
mike777 said:
way for what?? and do you guys cycle your betta tank? I would probably just use the same water from the 20 gallon or is this a no-no?
If your tank is disease-free, I'd mix the tank water with the shop water he came in with. You're then set! :)
The water from the 20 should be fine,half of it,half clean, handful of gravel and maybe a plant from the 20
I haven't cycled my Betta tanks. Two are in one gallon tanks and the other is in a one and a half gallon tank. I do 100% water changes every week or so. They seem to do just fine. The two one gallon tanks each have an airstone. All three tanks have lights and a couple anacharus stalks. I find that doing the water changes so frequently is kind of a pain, but until I have bigger tanks/more community tanks that they can go in, I'll do the water changes on their little tanks :nod:

aka Lizard
Can I put the betta I buy (if I buy one) in my 20 gallon instead? my fish are in the signature and my dad doesn't really want me to get a betta hex or whatever. I will be moving all of my fish and getting some new ones to a 60 gallon a little after christmas. Thanks so much for all your help!!!!

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