

Oct 25, 2003
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Hello all,

Well I've always wanted a betta tank thingie with of course a betta in it! How much do these betta tanks cost?? I've always loved betta's since I saw my friend had one. Also in these tanks that are made especially for bettas do they need to be cycled or can you just add the water and put him or her in the next day? also do you need heaters or filters for them? thanks a lot!! :)
I got a 1 gal betta tank with a light and filter a wal-mart for $10 and i got a dual betta thing for $5 i'm not going to divde it though because then they have more room to swim.
well do you need a filter and a heater or no and also which one do you guys prefer?
I don't think you need a filter but it depends on how often you clean the tank and if your room has a flustuating temp you might need a filter
Get the Marina Betta Kit by Hagen. I recommend it. Filtration is not necessary. Just do a 50% water change twice a week. A turkey baster should be sufficient for siphoning out the chunky waste. There is a light that can be purchased for the betta kit, it will help keep the tank temperature stable and warm. Some extras you might want to consider:

1 small container of freeze-dried bloodworms
1 pair of tweezers - to feed the bloodworms one at a time to keep the tank clean
1 bottle of BettaFix - just in case, it's pretty good when used at the first sign of disease or torn fins
Water conditioner (I use StressCoat and Splendid Betta Complete Water Conditoner)
Different gravel if you don't like the color of the matching gravel the kit comes with

The only thing left is a betta with the color of your choice. Good luck! :)

Edit: P.S. None of my 14 bettas are in filtered tanks. I do the water changes myself. It's hard work and one has to be consistent, but it shows how much I love these guys. :wub: It also gives me a chance to interact with them and prevents me from depending on automation. I believe doing things the old-fashioned way will pay off during a crisis.
thanks itty bitty but do what do you mean the chunky bits? and I know this is a stupid question but how would you change the water in there??
Hi Mike777 :)

You sure do love your fish! :wub:

Listen to Itty Bitty Betta; when it comes to bettas, she knows what she's talking about!

I just got a new betta today, and I'm so happy!!!
You know. Chunky bits. The poop. Cuban cigars. Black cheese doodles. You can siphon out the water using a turkey baster. It won't take but a few minutes for a water change. The Kit is onlt 1/2 a gallon, you only need siphon out 50%. Then have conditioned water ready and then pour it slowly into the tank. If I a moron like me can do it, ANYBODY can. :D
mike777 said:
also do you need to cycle it or not??????
I really haven't cycled any of my tanks. I haven't run into any problems so far. I just make sure I do water changes regularly with warm and clean water.
Hi Mike
You should definately cycle your bettas tank. You know the routine...handful of gravel from your big tank.

A lot of my betta live in 2.5 gallons that I get at Petsmart, they're rectangular and come with a glass lid for 9.99, I use desk lamps and such around them. If your inside temp stays fairly consistent and above 72 you'll be fine without a heater.

I clean my tank once a week changing out 50-60% of the water.I usually use a turkey baster and an azoo filter. I just hook the filter up for about 15 minutes while it filters out the poo and such (large chunks itty mentioned), I scoop out the water and add fresh :) let it filter a few more minutes and your done, sparkle ,sparkle. :D
Inchworm said:
Hi Mike777 :)

You sure do love your fish! :wub:

Listen to Itty Bitty Betta; when it comes to bettas, she knows what she's talking about!

I just got a new betta today, and I'm so happy!!!
Thanx for the vote of confidence! And where is the pic of your betta? Not even a description. HMPH! :angry:

BTW, I'm a guy, last I checked. :lol:
Darn it you have to let it cycle! Oh well, can't I just use the betta to cycle it? And I was thinking yes, get enough gravel to fill the new betta tank. I am just very eager to get a betta and I want one like... tomorrow!!! lol
Wuv's way is better. I guess I been doing it the hard way. :look:

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