

Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Im hopefully getting a Mbuna setup, but also want to keep a Betta...
does anyone know if a heat-mat would work to heat a plastic tank if it was in an allready warm room?
also what type of filteration do you need for them and how much does it cost.
how long should i wait to let the tank mature and does anyone know of any places in Cheshire, UK to get good quailty Bettas from?
thanks, mikey
well could i keep one in my large fishbowl and do a 10% change every day and then 100% a week?
what about heating cos the bowl i have has sloped-in sides, so you cant attach heaters on very easily :/
yeah that water change system would work duno about your heating problem though..... *shrugs*

Hi you can get those flat heaters with little suctions on. I find most of my bettas get stuck behind their heaters so they just have them anywhere in their tanks. :grr:
ok cool.
do you think i could keep one in a 2 UK Gal or should i go for the 3G?
im not an expert but bigger usually is better, so i think ill go for the 3, unless anyone thinks differently...
Bigger is better. I'd encourage you to go even bigger, if you think that's possible. And hey... if you get bigger tanks, that always means you can split them in half with a divider and keep two if your heart so fancied! :D

I've got my betta in a 3.5 US gallon (I think that's the same as your 3 UK gallon) and at first I thought it was great, but for some reason it just keeps looking smaller and smaller. I can tell he loves the space though. Go for the bigger one, definitely, if you have the space. Not like they're that big anyway. :)
bigger is better for betta's they have more room to explore etc.

ok will do, how do you split a tank as i would hope to keep more than one after a few months if this one goes successfully? 8)
if i got a 9 UK Gal then how many could i keep in it and how would i separate them?
What do most people feed their Bettas?
i need abit of help here because no one really knows from what ive read so far...
That's easy - most people feed their bettas pellets manufactured specifically for bettas. You just go to the fish store and ask for "betta pellets" or "betta food" and they'll probably give you the right thing.
betta pellets are not easy to get round where I live in the UK. Mine love defrosted blood worms, bloodworms in vitamin jelly, (they get out of the water for them) and some flake. :shout:
But bettas don't really need a heater if you want you can have a heater if you want. :fish: :pepsi: but does cat fish live in murky water:????:
But bettas don't really need a heater if you want you can have a heater if you want. :fish: :pepsi: but does cat fish live in murky water:????:
if i had it unheated then the temp would be about 66-68 Degrees F at this time of year.
would that be suitable or should i use my heat-mat to raise the temp a little bit.
as i allready have a heat-mat (for reptiles) it wouldnt cost me anything
A heater only becomes optional when room temperature is stable tropical temps, ie, keeps the water at around 22, 23 degrees C. Otherwise you need one.

In a 9g, I'd only divide it in half.

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