Oh, suuure...leave ME to tell him all the other stuff...
Bettas love bloodworms. But do not feed them that daily. They will get constipated. Feed them betta pellets like Betta Bio Gold. You should feed them a few bloodworms once a week, and I mean A FEW. You may spoil them if you give them too much. Once, I put a whole chunk of freeze-dried bloodworms in my bowl, and I underestimated how many bloodworms were in "a chunk". There are hundreds. So instead of dropping a chunk into the tank, feed them bloodworms one by one with tweezers or your finger. Feed them around 10. When you feed them pellets, I suggest you crush them into little grains and then drop them into the tank, because most pellets will be too big to swallow. Give them three crushed pellets every feeding, feed two times a day. (total of 6 a day)
Bettas like warm water. If you don't want to be changing the betta's tank every few hours to keep it warm, get a small heater, and make it 82 degrees F. If they are cold, you can tell because they will turn pale. And that's a bad thing.
Bettas love plants and places to hide. They also like scenery. Get some live plants, a little hidey hole, some gravel, and some other decorations. I made my own hidey hole using hollow bamboo, but you can just buy one or make one out of a cut water bottle or something.
Do not put light above them directly. Do not put two bettas together.
Leave space on the top of the tank so that the bettas can breathe the air, and so that they do not jump out.
Change the water partially every two days. Do a complete water change every week or so. That's how I do it.
If you see big clumps of bubbles on the surface of the water, don't worry, that's a good thing.
That's all I have to say for now...oh, and when they get to know you, when you walk into the room, they will flare at you and stuff. Cool, huh?