Betta With Swollen Gill/ripped Fins

Good luck get him started on tetracycline.
Yup--did last night. I ordered a first aid kit from the bettatalk lady and started him on that plus ambicillin last night. Hope it helps! It's sure hard to see him so sick but he might just do ok. Thanks again.
Did a phone consultation with the bettatalk lady, got off the phone and he was crashing major bigtime. He was getting fuzzy patches on his skin etc. Faith felt he had fish TB or something similar and had been present in him long before I bought him. I left the room for a short while and came back to check him and he'd died. It was a cruel horrible death but at least he got a few months of being pampered here. He was my "flagship betta" (like an admiral's flagship) in a beautiful planted tank that I was always adding to. So now upon advice, I'm going to strip down the tank, throw everything out and sanitize it to keep another occupant from getting the same thing. Not worth the risk of another heartbreak to save a few $$ and no more bettas from the place where I bought him. Maybe no more from anyone other than a breeder but the jury is still out on that. Thanks everyone especially Wilder for your time and help.
RIP Little Chen.
Bless him sorry, R.I.P.

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