Betta With Pygmy Corys

Just an update, but the betta is temporarily housed with one surviving otto, out of three :sad:, and a baby albino bristlenose pleco that seems to be doing just fine. I saw him flare for the first time today. He looked scary :unsure: He flared at the otto but didn't attack. He had started making a bubble nest and I washed it away with a water change. Poor thing. He eats like a pig.
I'll have some photos up when I get my new camera charger and I'd say thankfully he doesn't seem to have fin rot as I initially thought. It just looks like he's been in a fight before but has recovered most of his fins. His top fin is the most damaged one, it lacks colour on some places and missing some of the "crown tail" type endings.
I was just sitting under the tank kind of, observing the otto trying not to scare it. It was on the glass and saw the betta attack it twice!!! The otto ran away and there was no damage done but got me thinking....

What is the minimum safe period for quarantine? I am thinking the betta might be doing its aggressive business when I don't look
I also found an old thread with betta and ottos in a tank.

Funny, because as in the above thread, my dead ottos had their belly eaten too. The only difference is that the betta hasn't got any visible disease yet, but maybe the ottos weren't sick and the betta is killing them in this small tank?
Just moved the pleco and the surviving otto to my 30G tank. I think this betta didn't like the otto at all, plus, someone was pooping too much and the low flow can't get rid of the bottom waiste.
The pleco is gone exploring the new tank and can't decide whether to clean the driftwood, the glass or the filter, absolutely loving it :hyper:. Hopefully the otto will fair better in an "established" tank with a very strong flow and cooler temperature. If he survives, he'll get a few frineds but the only shop that supplies these have quite a lot of sick and dying fish in their tanks so I may not be very lucky getting healthy ones.
Hi, a few pictures of "Buddy" the betta. I got him with his top fin damaged as seen on the pictures but he seems to be a happy chap. Will the fin recover or is it just normal?





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