Just an update, but the betta is temporarily housed with one surviving otto, out of three
, and a baby albino bristlenose pleco that seems to be doing just fine. I saw him flare for the first time today. He looked scary
He flared at the otto but didn't attack. He had started making a bubble nest and I washed it away with a water change. Poor thing. He eats like a pig.
I'll have some photos up when I get my new camera charger and I'd say thankfully he doesn't seem to have fin rot as I initially thought. It just looks like he's been in a fight before but has recovered most of his fins. His top fin is the most damaged one, it lacks colour on some places and missing some of the "crown tail" type endings.

I'll have some photos up when I get my new camera charger and I'd say thankfully he doesn't seem to have fin rot as I initially thought. It just looks like he's been in a fight before but has recovered most of his fins. His top fin is the most damaged one, it lacks colour on some places and missing some of the "crown tail" type endings.