Betta With Puffers


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Chatroom Moderator
Feb 4, 2014
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Alright so I know that because of the title on this you've most likely come in to give me a talk about mixing fish that shouldn't be mixed like bettas and puffers but just read what I got to say think it over and then tell me what you think :)

So I have a 29 gallon heavily planted tank with...
2 dwarf puffers that have shown no aggression to anything not even each other
10 neon tetras
7-8 kuhli loaches
1 dwarf Cory
And about 100 ramshorn snails for the puffers to eat

Now what I want to try.
I want to get a betta and introduce him into this tank I've had great success in the past with a very heavily planted 20 gallon long tank and mixing two male bettas and some guppies and they lived fine for almost a year before I moved them.
Keep in mind that I will be watching very closely and at the first sign of any trouble will pull the betta and move him into another set up tank.
Also the puffers are well fed and don't seem to have set up any territories or even be interested in the other fish at all.
This is the tank
The Puffers will shred the Betta's fins.
Don't keep them together.
So my question is why would they attack the betta when they show no interest in my other colorful fish?
Because your other colorful fish do not have the long flowing tail that a betta has. They're also a lot faster, unlike the betta.
And I'd normally agree and not even try it but worst case scenario I pull the betta at the first sign of trouble so no fish will be hurt in the making of this experiment
If youre just going to do it anyway, whats the point of asking?(not to be rude, Im just wondering)
The males did fine together I made sure they where well fed and that it was a very heavily planted tank they never had a single fight and would often eat together.
EllieJellyEllie said:
If youre just going to do it anyway, whats the point of asking?(not to be rude, Im just wondering)
The point of asking was because you said I should Ellie :)
I agree with above, bettas are slow and not going to get out of the way very fast.
The problem with Puffers is they have beaks so any damage sustained will be pretty big.
I have Betta in with my figure 8 puffer and both swim fine together no problems at all I'm a newbie so still learning





gazlight said:
I have Betta in with my figure 8 puffer and both swim fine together no problems at all I'm a newbie so still learning





Hi sorry but not the best example, bettas are fresh water and figure 8s are brackish so require lightly salted water. Your tank has a reading of Nitrite also so Im guessing its quite a new set up? I would reccomend starting your own thread to get advice on where to go from where you are :)
Also puffers and bettas will ultimately end up a situation of luck on the keepers part, it will only tank one day for the puffer to take an interest in the betta and thats it...
RRaquariums said:
And I'd normally agree and not even try it but worst case scenario I pull the betta at the first sign of trouble so no fish will be hurt in the making of this experiment
so you will be watching the tank 24/7?
The first 'sign of trouble' in this case might just be a massive hole in your betta.
ZoddyZod said:
And I'd normally agree and not even try it but worst case scenario I pull the betta at the first sign of trouble so no fish will be hurt in the making of this experiment
so you will be watching the tank 24/7?
The first 'sign of trouble' in this case might just be a massive hole in your betta.
Totally agree, the first sign of trouble will almost certainly be an injured fish. And let's be honest, the worst case scenario is acutally a dead fish.
As with everybody else, I think this is a very bad idea. Sorry if that's not what you want to hear, but you asked for opinions.

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