Betta with new buddys


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan - The Great Lake State
Greetings everyone,

The first betta that I have owned has recently been introduced to couple of new friends. Now that his 16 gallon has cycled I have added 2 small albino corys. Before this betta I don't think I've ever seen so much personality in a fish. I'm glad I decided to keep him in the "big" tank and add others. If anyone has any sugestions what to buy (or move from my other tanks) to add to the mix I would appreciate it. :#

I have a suggestion . . .

I think it would be a good idea to put a plant with larger leaves near the surface for him to rest on. That way he won't have to work so hard to get up there.

That's an awesome tank! It's beautiful and he's very lucky to have all that space to call home. :thumbs:
great im sure he will be happy
I think it would be a good idea to put a plant with larger leaves near the surface for him to rest on. That way he won't have to work so hard to get up there.

That's an awesome tank! It's beautiful and he's very lucky to have all that space to call home.

Thank you. Actually the top area of the right plant is one of his favorite spots to chill. It's only about 2-3" from the surface. That being said, do you still think I need something else? ???? And how about tankmates? :fish:

EDIT: spell check
That is a very beautiful tank. I am planning on getting a 30g in the next few weeks and making it a cory tank. Have been thinking about putting a betta in there too. Do your's seem to get along fine? Also this is more of a question as it is a suggestion. Would Dwarf Gouramis do well in this tank as well or would the betta not get along with them? If they will do fine then you could get a few of them and it would set the tank off nicely IMO. Good luck.

I think that Is a Wonderful Tank.

You could add some different types of Cory and Maybe some Kuhlis/ Weather Loach.

He should get on well with White Mountain Clouds aswell, as they are not as Colorful as Neons.

If he Already Likes the Plant on the Right then that is Ok. But maybe something with Broader Leaves.

MY Betta Likes to Rest on top of the Interpret Duo 4 Filter itself, with half his body out of the Water :rofl: :blink:. But each Betta Is different.
great tank!

i would go with 4 more cories since 6 is the magical schooling number. and you definately have the room.

stotm! :)
Platies would go great. Mine get along very well with my betta. Sometimes bettas and gouramies don't get along, but you could try a dwarf gourami or 2. (Whose to say it wouldn't work with all the miracle stories I've been hearing lately). Also definitely get more cories.
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone. :)

bccromer Posted on Sep 18 2004, 04:32 PM
Have been thinking about putting a betta in there too. Do your's seem to get along fine?
So far the Betta and the Corys get along great.

Update: I've added another Cory and 5 Rasboras. I think the Rasboras contrast looks nice against the substrate and black background.

It's funny, during feeding time the Betta "protects" the sinking wafer for the Corys and doesn't let the Rasboras get near it. :lol:


Edit: removed text

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