Betta With Ick/white Spot


Fish Fanatic
Oct 8, 2011
Reaction score
UK, Northumberland, Blyth
hi all

i have had my betta in a 6 gallon tank by himself for a good few months now and hes been fine, i added 4 new fish in the other day and now my betta has white spot the other fish dont show any signs of white spot but i cant think of any where else it could have came from! its not bad at the moment, whats my best course of action to treat it its very late so i cant run out and get white spot treatment untill the morning what can i do in the mean time?

please help

Increase the temp slightly and possibly add some aquarium salt
Increasing the temp shortens the life span of the Ick and gets the disease over with quicker. If it is not that bad and you do not have any salt on hand, I would probably leave things as is until tomorrow and wait until you get the medication.
Increasing the temp shortens the life span of the Ick and gets the disease over with quicker. If it is not that bad and you do not have any salt on hand, I would probably leave things as is until tomorrow and wait until you get the medication.

a just read somewhere on the net that said if your fish has white spot then its too late to treat the white spot, but you can treat the bits that break off and spread.

will the white spot on the fish clear over time or is it going to be something the fish is stuck with untill it dies?
They fall off and multiply, then find other fish. I am pretty sure that you can only kill them in their free swimming stages, so no it is not too late to treat and you must do so before they latch onto other fish.
They fall off and multiply, then find other fish. I am pretty sure that you can only kill them in their free swimming stages, so no it is not too late to treat and you must do so before they latch onto other fish.

right i see, i live in the uk is there any treatment you would recommend from the store or just any one that i first come too?

and do i need to remove my filter media or anything like that?
I have never used any of them, but I have seen both Interpet and Tetra medicines. Interpet are ok at treating other things, but it might be best to go to a decent LFS and seek their advice on which one. I would also get some aquarium salt, either to dose with (check medicine instructions first though to see if you can) or to keep in for future emergencies as it is good stuff.
I have never used any of them, but I have seen both Interpet and Tetra medicines. Interpet are ok at treating other things, but it might be best to go to a decent LFS and seek their advice on which one. I would also get some aquarium salt, either to dose with (check medicine instructions first though to see if you can) or to keep in for future emergencies as it is good stuff.

Ok no problem

thanks very much
Quarantine him as soon as possible, like fish protector said raise the temp. If necessary use medications. Just use a little bit of med at 1st though. Hope this helps
Quarantine him as soon as possible, like fish protector said raise the temp. If necessary use medications. Just use a little bit of med at 1st though. Hope this helps

cant quarantine him as i have no where to put him and dont have the money to run out and by anoter small tank etc but a will get the meds first thing in the morning
hi all

i have had my betta in a 6 gallon tank by himself for a good few months now and hes been fine, i added 4 new fish in the other day and now my betta has white spot the other fish dont show any signs of white spot but i cant think of any where else it could have came from! its not bad at the moment, whats my best course of action to treat it its very late so i cant run out and get white spot treatment untill the morning what can i do in the mean time?

please help


Do not add salt. get Mardel coppersafe ich treatment. it works fast. remove filter when using treatment. my gourami had ich for four days and lived through it. turn up the heat a little. most likley it came from the fish you bought. next time you add new fish, allow a day for them to settle and then add ich treatment. please do not hesitate!! if you wait to long your betta will die and the others will catch it!!
Do a 5-10 minute salt bath twice a day, and raise the temp to 82F. You can also use the medication in between salt baths. I know salt has been advised against, but ALOT of people had success with salt baths and raised temps.
I have never used any of them, but I have seen both Interpet and Tetra medicines. Interpet are ok at treating other things, but it might be best to go to a decent LFS and seek their advice on which one. I would also get some aquarium salt, either to dose with (check medicine instructions first though to see if you can) or to keep in for future emergencies as it is good stuff.

Interpet works great, follow the instructions correctly, it erradicated the whitespot, and have had no recurrence.

Quarantine him as soon as possible, like fish protector said raise the temp. If necessary use medications. Just use a little bit of med at 1st though. Hope this helps

I would suggest that you don't "just use a little bit", I suggest you follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Do not add salt. get Mardel coppersafe ich treatment. it works fast. remove filter when using treatment. my gourami had ich for four days and lived through it. turn up the heat a little. most likley it came from the fish you bought. next time you add new fish, allow a day for them to settle and then add ich treatment. please do not hesitate!! if you wait to long your betta will die and the others will catch it!!

Only remove a carbon filter, if you have one, and Zeolite if you have that. Don't remove any sponges or ceramic biomedia. The Interpet med states that it is safe for bacterial filtration, and certainly I suffered no ammonia or nitrite spikes having used it. If you remove the bacteria from the filter (a) the fish will poison themselves and (b) some or all of the bacteria will die, meaning you may get an ammonia or nitrite spike when you put the filter back in.

If you don't have a carbon filter, go and buy one, and put it into the filter, when you have finished the course of treatment. It will remove the medication from the tank water. It's always a good idea to have a carbon filter in the cupboard for this sort of situation.

With regard to PQ's comment about adding a whitespot medication as a matter of course when acclimating new fish, I would advise otherwise. These medications are basically poisonous, although in such weak concentrations that the fish do not suffer long term. However, I think it is unwise to expose the fish to it unless it's actually necessary.

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