Betta With Dropsy


Fish Crazy
Feb 12, 2013
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my betta has dropsy. hes been ill for about a week now maybe longer. ive tried evrything to try and an help him but nothing has had any effect. his belly is very swollen and his poop has been white and stringy. i tried feeding him peas and have been treating him for internal parasite but nothing has worked. hes in a sorry looking state today and looks so uncomfortable. do i let him pass away or put him to sleep. i couldnt stand it if he was in pain. out of all the fish i keep hes my all time favourite. so much personality. im really gutted.
Sorry about your betta :( and I'm sorry but I don't know much about betta sickness or the cures. Everything I've read says do NOT feed peas to bettas but I've read several posts on here where people do. Something about bettas not having the right enzymes to digest it. Also the internet could be wrong (as is usually the case) but maybe you cpuld cut down on the peas or something. I wish I could be of more use and I really hope your fish pulls through.
Hi all yes I've been treating with Epsom salts. I've actually only realized after a chat with a friend that Vader, my bettas name. Is actually 14-15 months old. Which is quite close to the end of his life span. I think he's just got sick through old age. No less hartbeaking mind you but the circle of life turns on. Thanks for all the comments guys just looks like my buddy's number is up.
Bettas live up to four or five years though. He should have several more years on him. However, dropsy is really difficult to shake.
I am sorry to hear that your betta is not doing very well.  Dropsy is never fun. While he is not very young, he is not very old either.  Bettas with good care easily live to 3-4 years so I doubt his age has anything to do with it. 
Do you have any pictures of your betta?  Taken from the side and then looking down from the top of him would be best.  
Are any of the scales poking out and making your betta look like a "pinecone"?
Was is the temperature of your tank and what are you treating the betta for parasites with?
im aware bettas can live up to four years, but ive had mine for about 18months and when I got him he was a good size with quite long fins. I estimate he must have been at least 6 to 8 months old then. so hes well over 2 years possibly 3. he lives in a 10 g tank all the water stats are fine temp is 27 c. he is very swollen although im ot really sure if his scales are poking out but I cant seem to get a good top down look a him. I fed him some pea which he ate and it did nothing. so ive been treating with interpet no 9 and Epsom salts. none of this has worked either. hes still swimming about but not as much and he is still eating. but he clearly isn't well. ive compared him to some pictures online of betts with dropsy and he looks exactly the same.
I would stop feeding him.  Give him at least 3 days with no food and see if his swollen belly goes down any at all.  
well its over. i found my betta VADER lying on his side this morning bigger than ever his scales all poking out and his spine crooked as a dogs back leg. he still swam to the glass when i looked in but it was quite clear he was done for. i couldent stand the thought of him going through any more so i put him to sleep. im really gutted. i loved him. always brought a smile to my face. he was my first betta. one of the first fish i bought when i started out. ive had fish die before and was of course disapointed but its not the same. thanks everyone for the advise.
So sorry to hear this bigcheed. Bettas have such personality. I know you will miss him.
So very sorry to hear this news.  :(
Oh dear, sorry to hear that Rest in peace Vader, you were a good friend xx

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