Betta Wanted.

A girl I work with has one in a vase..have never seen it..but someone else said it is a really big vase more like a fish of mine is in a bowl but it holds about a gallon of water and he makes bubble nests all the while so I know he is happy.

has it got a lid and places for the heater and filter etc?, id be intrested to no were you got ur bowl from as i could get 1 for wen i get a betta.

No lid no heater no filter...bought from Asda or Wilko ....the bowl is next to a table lamp and the fish keeps making bubble nests!
Is it ok to keep a betta with out a filter and heater?.


Have you any pics of the bowl so i can see wht its like.
Hi Karen4Kevin :)

I have my bowzer in a 1 gallon kritter keeper sort of thing and he loves it! He has no filter or heat but has a few malaysian trumpet snails in with him to eat any excess food and they go when i change the water every 3 days. The room he is in is my bedroom and always has the heater on medium which keeps the room warm and the air humid. Perfect for my betta :)


Bret @ BW Bettas
Hiya thanks for that they have kritter keepers at wilkinsons for 4.99 i might go get one, As theres no filter do i leave the water to stand for a day or to?, All i need now is my betta.

Karen. :thumbs:
Hey Karen4Kevin :)

I normally leave the water to stand with water conditioner and dechlor for about 24 hours when i add it in and my betta is normally very happy especially whe i drop a cm of IAL in the water over night ;)


Bret @ BW Bettas
Hey Karen4Kevin :)

IAL Is Indian Almond Leaf And is very popular in Asia for the upbringing of bettas. I unfortunately have ran out of the stuff but have found a supplier of IAL oil im sceptical about using it as i dont think it wil be as good as the real thing.

Sorry but no we dont have any in none of my suppliers are willing to ship at this time of year to get the bettas here


Bret @ BW Bettas
How much are the snails at ur lfs?, Do you no were i can get a betta?, I have been told to go to ukbetta.
Hey Karen4Kevin :)

I presumed you wee talking to me about snails and they are yours for £1 including £3 for shipping and packing :)


Bret @ BW Bettas

P.s I Am Going Offline Now I Will Be back Tomorow morning :)

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