Betta tankmates?

I had a female Plakat that was fine with Rasboras in a 2 foot 18 gallon tank for about 4 months, Then she snapped killed 2 and fatally injured a 3rd.

A situation I hear more often than bettas coinciding peacefully with others through their entire life. Haven't heard of that happening with a female though, thanks for sharing. So has this changed your outlook on keeping tankmates with bettas? What was your stocking like in the tank?

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What was your stocking like in the tank?

2 foot heavily planted tank, 1 female PK 6 Hengeli Rasboras, Shrimp and snails, And yes she used to hunt the shrimp.

So has this changed your outlook on keeping tankmates with bettas?

Yes, Bettas are solitary fish and are best kept that way, The only reason I add " tank mates " to a Bettas tank now if as a source of food, Eg shrimp.

I have not seen the pleco in this video in over 2 months, I am sure my Betta killed it.

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I've got one in my 55g community tank, it minds it's own business. The grandkids got him and a death bowl from their other grandparents.

It even gets along with opaline
I've got one in my 55g community tank, it minds it's own business. The grandkids got him and a death bowl from their other grandparents.

It even gets along with opaline
I have a friend who has a male and female in a tank, they get on fine, just don't try putting even a snail in with them.

This is the problem with Bettas they are so unpredictable, Even feeding can be a problem when the Betta finds out that the tank mates food is yum, I have even seen Bettas eat algae wafers till they are bloated.
I hear all the time about people having picky bettas, but my girls eat ANYTHING. Algae waffers, shrimp pellets, cucumber slices (for the snails), any and every flake/pellet, scrambled eggs (only as a treat like once a month) my fingers.... I'm surprised they haven't tried eating the khuli loaches
I agree with what a lot of other people are saying. Bettas aren't really community fish, though in the past I've successfully kept them with neon tetras. But, in the end, it's more about the individual fish.
I have a male betta in a 6 gallon tank. If I put ghost shrimp in there, will he eat them? Also is there any other tank mates I can put on with him? Such as a mystery snail? I wanted to get another fish, but I read through the comments and it seems like I shouldn't.
I have a male betta in a 6 gallon tank. If I put ghost shrimp in there, will he eat them? Also is there any other tank mates I can put on with him? Such as a mystery snail? I wanted to get another fish, but I read through the comments and it seems like I shouldn't.
No, the shrimp will probably get eaten. You could have the snail, but be warned, they breed. Fast.
I have kept a Betta fish with Black Neon Tetras and Lamp Eye Tetra, the tetras have went after the betta fish fins. And the Aquarium was a 20 long! :eek:

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