Betta Tank Upgrade Help?


New Member
Mar 4, 2013
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Hi guys, I have a few question regarding betta care. I currently have three male betta fish each in separate one gallon tanks. I know these tanks are super small and not healthy for them, so I want to upgrade their tanks. Would it be possible to divide a 10 gallon tank into three parts for them? What kind of dividers do I get? Do I need a specific filter that doesn't cause too much water movement? What kind of heater is best? Thanks for any help. 
A divided 10 gallon would definitely be better for them, if you have space for a 15 that would be even better.
You can get removable opaque dividers from ebay, it's best that they can't see each other as that would cause stress.
I found water flow wasn't great so used a sponge filter in each section run from one air pump for economy, I'd use either one 100 watt in the middle or two 50 watts, one at either end
dont know much about siamese fighters but an opaque divider is criticall if they see each other theyll cause them loads of stress id say the two 50 watts would be good and i think 15 gallon will be a perfect size
The easiest way to divide a betta tank is using a diy divider. Here's one instructional thread, but there are a ton of available ones on different forums These dividers are partially see through, so there might be some initial flaring, but they should calm down soon enough. I agree with the three sponge filters on one pump and two heaters at either end. Make sure you you have a cover on the tank so the bettas can jump into the different sections.
If there are holes in the dividers, do I need 3 filters still or am I good with just one?
I would still check the water flow if you use bought dividers as the holes are quite small & I found didn't allow even flow throughout the tank which is why I used sponge filters to be sure each section was being filtered properly
An aqueon 50w is good for a 10-15g tank, and I use one.
That tutorial is fine, I plan on using it and WildBetta uses them too.

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