Betta Tank Setup And What Else To House

Ok, its no problem as I have both on the way. Im now looking into planted tanks to see what plants to go for.
What is in mine: Anubias, Crypt wendtii, Java fern and Peacock moss :) None of them are high demand (i do however have flourite as substrate in the back half for the crypts)
Anubias comes up regularly for betta tanks so that's a definite. Java moss spirals out of control rapidly so kind of puts me off. Is peacock moss easier to to keep control of? Will I need different substrate than just gravel?
Peacock moss is not as invasive as java moss. I no longer keep java moss :)

Gravel will do the job, just get some root tabs for the crypts/swords/etc
Just an Update, I now have a 60L and am waiting for the filter to turn to start the fish less cycle.
Still got my heart set on a betta so will get a couple of nerite snails, like the look of Tiger Nerites. Also will try shrimp to see how they get on.
Cant decided between tetras or ras.
Also what quantities do you believe would be ideal? I was thinking 2 or 3 snails and 5 shrimp? minimum of 6 tetra or ras but didnt know if I had room to cope with more? Guess I dont want to many as it might make them more confident and stress the betta? assuming they get on in the first place that is.
Im considering dividing the tank to begin with so if there is agression they have time to get use to each other before being able to get at each other.
Can anyone recommend good tropical fish stockists around the west midlands. I have found some on ebay but as its a gameble would prefer to see fish in person. my LFS is ideal for supplies but their choice is minimal and quality of fish im concerned about. The only others are big chain pet stores I would never by livestock from.

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