I have a quick question.
I just got my two betta's 6 gallon tanks with a filter system. They were doing great, their water was starying very clean but I woke up one morning and my Red betta, who had a very pretty curled tail, was missing all the curls on the end of his tail and his water was extremely cloudy. He now has little white, almost clear, wire looking threads at the end of his tail. I just need to know if his curls will come back, if hes in pain, or what I need to do. It really scared me when i noticed it and he lost a lot of color. He is almost pink now but still very active. his tail still has all of his color but his back is a very pail pink and it gradually gets darker as his scales go down his body.
what can I do for him?
Also, I looked up some diseases and I know one of my fish has popeye, but not to the point where his eyes look like they're about to burst. I know this came from poor fishtanks that I got for my birthday. I have since changed tanks and added a filter system. Anyways, back to my red guy. He has a really big white patch under his chin and from what I can remember, he has had it since I got him. His gills close all the way, he's flaring normally, he doesn't "breath" quickly, and he doesn't have any protruding scales. I know what I have to get for my popeye situation, but what would be best for my other guy. As soon as I discovered that his tail was shorter, I did a 100% water change, I soaked his decorations and new filter in hot water and rinsed them for about 20 minutes. He is only slightly active now but still swims around sometimes. I just need some help. I love all three of my Betta's and I would hate to see any of them die =[
I have a crown tail (my buddy with popeye, Fudpucker), a veil tail (my red guy that used to have beautiful curls, Clydo), and another red one that i cannot distinguish (Volvagia). I will post pics of all of them.