Betta still has white patch


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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My betta still has the whitish patch on the left side of his face. It seems to be getting worse. It isn't fuzzy or anything it's just like a whitish smooth covering. I've been using salt but it doesn't seem to be helping :-(

Should I treat him with a fungus medication? I'm not sure if what he has is a fungul infection though as the white patch isn't fuzzy. Would it still be considered fungul?

Also I am worried because there seems to be a small crator (sp?) developing where the whitish patch kinda looks like hole in the head. I'm so worried :no:

Other than these problems he's happy and healthy and his colors are so so vibrant :nod:
The medcation I can get my hands on is the brand JBL

I think JBL Ektol would be what I need to treat with. It says its for mouth rot and fin rot as well as other exteral bacteria diseases...does that sound right to you?

If so I can pick some up tomorrow at my LFS
The name of the disease is "hole in the head".
Here's a link that describes the disease more in detail.

First, for the salt treatment to be effective, you need to use correct amount of salt. Are you using at least 1 table spoon per 5 gallons (19 liters)?

For this case though, a better choice of treatment would be "general cure" by Aquarium Pharmaceutical. If it's not available in your area, make sure you get something to treat "hole in the head" disease.

Also, keep water temperature above 80 degrees, keep water clean, and feed the afflicted fish, high quality frozen/flake food.
I realized he doesn't have hole in the head disease he actually has a bacterial disease like f250fisherman said. I've been reading up on it and with hole in the head the holes actually lose the pigment and the 2 small holes in my bettas head are red. With the bacterial infection it said everything that fits what my betta has and also I read bacterial infections can sometimes cause deep ulcers so thats what I think the holes are.

Here are the physical signs I found on

"White, clear,red/pink areas of necrosis. Occasionally slightly ragged/fuzzy appearance. Inflamed patches and sometimes deep ulcers develop. Various patterns of appearance and presentation. Columnaris usually presents near the the head and sides of the body and is often mistaken for a fungus; it is characteristically white and patchy."
JBL Ektol is a general disinfectant and the active ingridients are:

aklylbenzyldimethyl-amonium choride 700mg
methyl thioninium chloride 80mg
aqua purif 100ml
I just bought the medication Waterlife Myxazin to treat my betta. I hope it does the trick!!

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