Hello! I’m in need of help for my betta. I have added a sponge air filter and now have two live plants and a couple silk. I took out the big rock I had in there for him to hid in case he was hurting himself on it. He is laying at the bottom of the tank (sometimes looks like he is trying to burrow in the rocks). He doesn’t come see me, doesn’t follow my finger, he seems so sad. He only comes to the top to get air. I’ve done 20% water changes. I haven’t cleaned the cartridge in my filter, I put a Catappa leaf, tried medicines, tried aquarium salt… I’m at a loss. His colors are still bright.
His current water parameters:
GH: 120
KH: 40
pH: 7.0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Ammonia: 0
Temperature: 80
His current water parameters:
GH: 120
KH: 40
pH: 7.0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 20
Ammonia: 0
Temperature: 80