Betta spawns, need help


New Member
Dec 10, 2004
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Dallas, TX
Well, I've had several successful spawns but cant seem to get them past four weeks of age, in which they die off slowly. I use live foods, make water changes as suggested, etc. But yet they die off.

Also, they dont grow very fast....or get large like they're supposed to at their ages. What should I do? Right now I have another spawn incubating..
What exactly are you feeding them and what is your water change schedule? Temperature of water? Can you describe the tank?

The more info the better :)
The temp is always 80-82 F. There are bunched plastic plants affixed with a suction up in one corner, with a sponge filter in the parallel corner, bubbling on average one bubble every second, and on the corner beside that, the stiro cup in half, with the heater affixed to the back wall.

First two weeks, dont touch the water. After that, every few days, a 25% water change.
Maybe they aren't getting enough to eat...VE's are pretty small for past the first week, maybe try baby brine shrimp :thumbs:

Do you test your water at all? You'll probably want to bump your water changes up a little. Do you use any kind of ammonia lock :thumbs:
Amonia lock? Guess not.

What should I change my water changes to then? More than 25%?

I dont feed BBS because I dont want them to get swimbladder disorder, etc.
I'd do daily water changes :)

BBS won't cause you problems as long as you decapsulate the eggs before you set up you hatchery :thumbs:
sablebeauty said:
Amonia lock? Guess not.

What should I change my water changes to then? More than 25%?

I dont feed BBS because I dont want them to get swimbladder disorder, etc.
I have a few ideas. Firstly, I have a single surviving fry who is one month old and he grew on a bbs-less diet,my first spawn ever to go without bbs and it shows :/ He's uber tiny compared to my usual 1 month olds. So definitely start them on bbs.

Also, another theory, are the parents siblings? I've noticed the more inbred the parents are,the smaller the fry.

Also you should do 50%+ water changes every couple of days,if not everyday. Mainly to reduce ammonia and the pheremones which stunt the growth of the fry.

And ammonia lock is a must if your tank is uncycled.
What kind of BBS setup do you have? I read at a website (I think it was bettacave) about how to rig up the SF Bay shrimpery so that you don't get any eggshells in the collection cup. Or if you have a homemade setup there are ways to make that work better too.
wuvmybetta said:
I have a few ideas. Firstly, I have a single surviving fry who is one month old and he grew on a bbs-less diet,my first spawn ever to go without bbs and it shows :/ He's uber tiny compared to my usual 1 month olds. So definitely start them on bbs.

Also, another theory, are the parents siblings? I've noticed the more inbred the parents are,the smaller the fry.

Also you should do 50%+ water changes every couple of days,if not everyday. Mainly to reduce ammonia and the pheremones which stunt the growth of the fry.

And ammonia lock is a must if your tank is uncycled.
What exactly is anmonia lock?

I've never used BBS because they're way to expensive and I cant get them anywhere around here at all. Any ideas.

My bettas fry seems to always be tiny on the growing scale even at four-five weeks they're not even half an inch.

Yes, I've bread siblings which the fry last longer than ones I breed that are not siblings.

I'll try the 50% water changes (everyday?) and the tanks have small mini corner filters or sponge filters.

PLEASE, anymore help or ideas?
sablebeauty said:
I've never used BBS because they're way to expensive and I cant get them anywhere around here at all. Any ideas.
Do you mean the eggs are too expensive? or the BBS themselves? I've only seen adult brine shrimp for sale or the eggs-I think I paid about $3 for some eggs the last time. Most people hatch their own.
gale said:
sablebeauty said:
I've never used BBS because they're way to expensive and I cant get them anywhere around here at all. Any ideas.
Do you mean the eggs are too expensive? or the BBS themselves? I've only seen adult brine shrimp for sale or the eggs-I think I paid about $3 for some eggs the last time. Most people hatch their own.
Yeah, I mean the eggs. Where did you get yours?

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