Betta Simplex


Fish Herder
Jan 29, 2007
Reaction score
west lothian, scotland
one of my lfs has a dozen or so simplex in and i was sooo close to buying them.. and i still kinda want to, i just cant decide. there was a large male with a throat full of eggs/fry and another pair were wraping and spawning right in front of me.. £14 per pair, im soo tempted..should i?
awwr i should have got them there and then. they guy tried so hard to sell me them aswell. i wont be able to get back in for another week
I know nothing about this strain of bettas, are they pretty :hyper: :hyper: think I better go and google...
i would be interested in a pair myself, i need another pair lol....fancy gettin a pair for me if i sent ya the money lol
Awww your a star. They are great lil fish so i hope they have them, even if its just the one pair for you, they are a pleasure to own
got them! :hyper: one of the males had a mouth full of babies and the stress of the jurney home caused him to spit some of them out, but they seem well doveloped and so long as he dont eat them while in the floating bag acclimatising, then i rekon they will be fine :good:

you have a pm devon_charm
well they have been put into their tank now. the bag with the male and babied i put into a container so i could syphon off the babies and i put them in a tank with a load of baby splendens, some of the splendon fry are growing fast so i hope they dont eat the baby simplex, time will tell.

ok so heses pics, not great but you get the idea, there are 6 babies he spat out



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That's great. I suppose you're gonna have to wait quite some time before you know if any survive but good luck with them all :good:

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