Betta Setup Help


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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hi i havent kept bbettas but i want 2 get a male for my sisters 11 birthday could you help me with my setup Qs and suggest what tank to get will i need a filter will i need to heat it how much will it all cost thnanks
Glad you came here first before going to get the fish! Here's a basic list of stuff you should get.

Water conditioner (Personally I like Prime - ask for it though because it usually isn't in the betta section)
Betta food - Hikari pellets are good as well as bloodworms (I use freeze dried, but some people prefer frozen) Your two major concerns here are - don't over feed him (2-3 pellets once in the morning and once in the evening is pleanty. I usually skip one day of the week so their systems can clean themselves out)
Betta home - this is where you will here people say a varity of different things. 1 gallon is the _bare_ minimum you want to keep your fish in. However a nice 2.5 gallon tank won't cost you much more.
Thermomter - Bettas are tropical fish. If the water does not stay above 74 degrees on its own you will probably want to get a heater

As far as the filters go, if you get a 2.5 gallon tank and do weekly water changes, you won't need to filter it.

Now. The betta itself. I would suggest letting her go pick out the fish she wants. Also, who will be responsible for water changes? Who is going to be responsible for making sure mr betta is fed correctly. You'll want to change his water once a week.

I'd say you'll probably end up spending somewhere between $20-$25 on everything.
Glad you came here first before going to get the fish! Here's a basic list of stuff you should get.

Water conditioner (Personally I like Prime - ask for it though because it usually isn't in the betta section)
Betta food - Hikari pellets are good as well as bloodworms (I use freeze dried, but some people prefer frozen) Your two major concerns here are - don't over feed him (2-3 pellets once in the morning and once in the evening is pleanty. I usually skip one day of the week so their systems can clean themselves out)
Betta home - this is where you will here people say a varity of different things. 1 gallon is the _bare_ minimum you want to keep your fish in. However a nice 2.5 gallon tank won't cost you much more.
Thermomter - Bettas are tropical fish. If the water does not stay above 74 degrees on its own you will probably want to get a heater

As far as the filters go, if you get a 2.5 gallon tank and do weekly water changes, you won't need to filter it.

Now. The betta itself. I would suggest letting her go pick out the fish she wants. Also, who will be responsible for water changes? Who is going to be responsible for making sure mr betta is fed correctly. You'll want to change his water once a week.

I'd say you'll probably end up spending somewhere between $20-$25 on everything.

thanks i would do the water changes and maintance as i am fairly expericened with 2 community tanks i thinm my sis will be ok feeding mr betta but i will have to make shure lol the bettas a surprise for her thats the only prob i may take her to look and get it while shes not looking lol thanks for the advice would i need a light and a glass tank or would a plastic be ok
Plastic is fine, just make sure the heater has suckers so its not directly on the plastic. A light isnt essential but is a good idea
Plastic is fine, just make sure the heater has suckers so its not directly on the plastic. A light isnt essential but is a good idea

When my Betta was in a 2Gallon bowl, I just used a desk lamp which was situated by the side. It lit the tank up brilliantly and raises the water temperature up a little too. Just be careful though as the temperature will drop again when the light is off overnight.
I found a nice 2.5 gallon set up at walmart that I had my betta in. I had a filter light rocks and came with some sample foods and water conditioner. I believe it was $20 and came in 3 colors.
I found a nice 2.5 gallon set up at walmart that I had my betta in. I had a filter light rocks and came with some sample foods and water conditioner. I believe it was $20 and came in 3 colors.

thanks for all the advice

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