Betta resting habits~

SRC said:
One of the new guys Wuv gave me can wedge himself inside the branches of one of the plants in his tank...tighter then could be thought humanly..errr possible lol....How he manages to get in there like that, not to mention get beyond me. :lol: I have a picture somewhere I'll have to dig it up.
Oh yes! I'd love to see a picture! What a silly boy >_< I wonder how that can be comfortable! Then again, Albel seems to think sleeping precariously perched on a flower is comfortable... My puppy loves to watch the fish and sometimes gets excited and knocks my desk, causing Albel to fall off :lol: He always looks so pissed about it, too!
mybabieshavefins said:
SRC said:
One of the new guys Wuv gave me can wedge himself inside the branches of one of the plants in his tank...tighter then could be thought humanly..errr possible lol....How he manages to get in there like that, not to mention get beyond me. :lol: I have a picture somewhere I'll have to dig it up.
Oh yes! I'd love to see a picture! What a silly boy >_< I wonder how that can be comfortable! Then again, Albel seems to think sleeping precariously perched on a flower is comfortable... My puppy loves to watch the fish and sometimes gets excited and knocks my desk, causing Albel to fall off :lol: He always looks so pissed about it, too!
lol angry betta
He's such a huffy little bugger that it's funny. I thought he might be stressed, but he happily builds bubblenests as long as there's still room for them~ He's just easily offended :p
My tontos like that I got a new blue betta and snow white was all over him while he made a bubble nest tonto got all pissed and didnt look at her for a whole week and he didn't eat much he was mad that she cheated on him ;o;
XD! Betta infidelity! Poor Tonto, losing his woman to a handsome dark stranger... I hope he got over it! It's funny how some of them can be so touchy. And then my veil is the silliest, most happy-go-lucky thing I've ever seen.
My betta Jeremiah sleeps stretched out on the middle branch of his silk plant. He lies lengthways like he's in a bed. It's adorable.... ^_^

We should all try to get pics of our sleepy bettas. :D
MONICA! You DO exist on the fishforum! See, I do too! haha I miss you already...

As for the sleeping've seen (or haven't seen) Booger.

For everyone else, my one veiltail, Booger, wedges himself UNDER his rocks to where he can't be seen at all, or sometimes just his tail is poking out and he's nose down. It's so scary! He looks dead! So...sometimes I have to go over and give his tank a gentle shake and say "Don't be dead, stupid fish!" haha Poor little guy. I must bug him, but he makes me worry so much!
Awww, SPLiSH, that sounds so cute!!! >_< Yes, we should all try to post pics of silly sleeping bettas! Oh, if only my computer had usb ports... *kicks it lovingly*

Brooke!!!! Yes, we both exist! You know what, I found the problem XD I was registered at fishforums.COM not fishforums.NET :lol: :lol: :lol: Don't worry, I felt appropriately dumb when I realized the error! I miss you too! ;_; Come back to us, Brooke! I want to go back to your house and be enveloped in animals! I really hope you and all the kids made it safe and sound <3

And yes, Booger! Now THAT is a crazy fish, ladies and gentlemen. He's not even mine and watching him hide almost completely invisible and dead-looking makes me paranoid! You really did name him appropriately~!
MONICA! You DO exist on the fishforum! See, I do too! haha I miss you already...

As for the sleeping've seen (or haven't seen) Booger.

For everyone else, my one veiltail, Booger, wedges himself UNDER his rocks to where he can't be seen at all, or sometimes just his tail is poking out and he's nose down. It's so scary! He looks dead! So...sometimes I have to go over and give his tank a gentle shake and say "Don't be dead, stupid fish!" haha Poor little guy. I must bug him, but he makes me worry so much!

One of my bettas does the exact same thing! I removed the marbles, so it's harderfor him to burry himself under them (I was terrified he'd get smooshed!) But now he lays motionless at the bottom of the plant..I think he's dead every time, but when I tap on the glass....and AGAIN tap on the glass, he jumps back to life and goes straight to his feeding hole, ...."You woke me up, there'd BETTER be FOOD!"
:lol: Gyaaaaaaaah, sounds like your boy sure is bossy! Jeez, why do these fish have to freak us out by playing possum? I'm lucky mine don't tend to do that, I'd be losing hair from stress!
Prizm said:
MONICA! You DO exist on the fishforum! See, I do too! haha I miss you already...

As for the sleeping've seen (or haven't seen) Booger.

For everyone else, my one veiltail, Booger, wedges himself UNDER his rocks to where he can't be seen at all, or sometimes just his tail is poking out and he's nose down. It's so scary! He looks dead! So...sometimes I have to go over and give his tank a gentle shake and say "Don't be dead, stupid fish!" haha Poor little guy. I must bug him, but he makes me worry so much!

One of my bettas does the exact same thing! I removed the marbles, so it's harderfor him to burry himself under them (I was terrified he'd get smooshed!) But now he lays motionless at the bottom of the plant..I think he's dead every time, but when I tap on the glass....and AGAIN tap on the glass, he jumps back to life and goes straight to his feeding hole, ...."You woke me up, there'd BETTER be FOOD!"
I just changed his rocks today so he can't hide in them anymore. haha Now I'm sure he'll do the same as yours does.
I'm new to the fishie world too. Hi. ;)

My Betta's are odd when it comes to sleeping habits. Charlie Prissy Pants loves to move everything, even though he's sick. He moves the shell's I have in there all the time. He likes to lay smushed up between my silk plant and the glass. Like really smushed.

And my other betta, Tony Pinchers, my mafia fish, loves his treasure chest. He lays on top of the "gold" but before he does, he looks at the lid like it's going to crash on him and flares at it. Then he circles around it and lays down. He gets mad if you go near him when he's doing that. But he's my italian fish so I forgive him.
My walmart rescue (Pirate Blackbeard because well, his beard is black) sleeps in his cave at night, which I think is adorable. He's a big old grandpa and takes advantage of that comfy cave let me tell you.

And my smallest guy does what one of the posters mentioned. He wedges himself so hard underneath plants I don't know how he manages it. At first I was afraid he was going to tear his pretty little fins, but he seems to have managed the art of it.

Romeo used to lie underneath his terracotta pot all sideways and weird, so if the pot were to roll over (and trust me, it does), it would crush him :crazy: So I switched up the decorations a bit and now he kind of floats around the java fern for sleep.

My only female, I swear she is nuts. I never see her stop moving, I don't know how she does it. Her tank lights can be off for over an hour, and I will still see her zipping around happily, no matter when I look in! I am going to get her some female buddies though, maybe they will help wear her out :lol:

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