Betta Refuses To Eat

Fish Sticks

New Member
Sep 10, 2007
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Ontario Canada
I got a new betta, a male turquoise crowntail and he refuses to eat. At first I though it was just because he was settling in but it has been 2 weeks now. I've tried feeding him normal tropical flakes, freeze dried blood woms, a betta specific flake food with freeze dried brine shrimp and of course typical betta pellets.

He acts normal, simming and flaring at his neighbour. When I feed him e usually ignores the food, occasionally he'll take it and spit it out.

So what's wrong? Should I try yet another type of food?
it may be hes just not a big eater. Is he eating at all? I have a betta that did the same thing when i got him, i tried all different types of food and he would just spit it out, but after a few weeks he did come around and eat, the thing i've noticed is that he had a tiny tiny appetite, he wont take more than 4 little floating pellets at any one time, at night i'll try to give him 2 more and sometimes he'll take them, sometimes not. Meanwhile his neighbor will eat like its his last meal-everyday lol.
Cut back on how much you give him and dont bother trying more than once a day. Also what i noticed is to stick to one type of food first, if he came from a pet store he was probably fed betta pellets (balls) and so thats what I used till my fish started eating. He sounds healthy so I wouldnt worry too much. Some never eat much, even later you'll probably see that he wont take more than just a few pellets a day and thats it, but do try to feed other things to switch it up and see if he'll take them later on down the road, then again a picky eater will mostly demand the same foods, my picky guy wont take bloodworms, or anything thats not in a ball shape.
Thanks :D He came from a pet store, in one of the small betta cups.

I'll try all that stuff.

I don't see him eat any, but he might eat while I go turn away for half a second.

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