Okay, I have fish in a 10 gallon tank. So this is not my first fish. I have had a betta before with horrible luck. The lfs I bought it from had some sort of problem with all of them and they died within a week . Well I haven't had a betta since. But I couldn't help it today. I was in walmart, yes walmart is where I got him . Well I was looking at all the little jars and he was the only betta there and he is really pretty, he is purple and light purple and almost white. Well I started feeling bad for the poor thing so I took it. I doubt walmart takes good care of them and he had some pooy water so I took him home and I have a betta tank already so I cleaned it out and put water in and the water conditioner. I also added a little fungus stuff in there to make sure that he won't get some. I know that was part of the problem with my last betta. I also have an african frog in there with him, bought him at the same place, same story he was the last frog. So I dunno should the frog be okay in there with him? I was thinking of putting them both with my other fish after I make sure they both arnt ill. I guess what I am asking is there any tips for me, to make sure he isn't sick and what to do to make him feel better after being in a cup for days. Thanks for any advice you can give me .
As far as the frog goes, assuming your betta tank is a nice size they should be fine. Check and make sure that he has webbing in between his toes to be sure he is an African Dwarf frog and not a clawed frog. If he is a dwarf, the are happy in pairs so you may want to keep your eye out for a second.
In regards to moving them to your ten gallon, it really depends on what fish are in there and your bettas temperment. Some do well in communities, others don't.
I'm sure he's just thrilled to be out of the cup! Keep his water clean and feed him good food, and I'm sure he'll be fine
Thanks for the advice, I just went and checked the frog and he does have webbing between his toes. I will look for another one to keep him company, I wouldn't want him to be lonely. . As for my betta I had a question, does a Crown Tail look close to a Veil Tail? Because the betta I bought today looks like he has a Crown Tail. Is that uncommon or as they easy to buy at stores like walmart?