Betta Problem


New Member
Jan 30, 2006
Reaction score
Somerset, UK
Can anyone offer advise quickly please
I have a fairly new 5 uk gallon tank set up, did a fishless cycle and after 6 weeks i added a betta. He seemed ok for a few days but over the last couple of days he has absolutely no life in him whatsoever, He has 3 shrimps and an apple snail in the tank and they all seem ok with each other. I havent seen him eat since i had him and ive tried beta pellets, flake food and even a pea!!
Half the time he looks as if he's passed away and then he moves a bit then stops again.
Tank stats are ammonia 0, Nitrites 0 and Nitrates 10. Temperature is at 26 (79f)i did a 50% water change earlier but he is just sitting at the bottom completely lifeless.

Can anyone offer any advice please as he is my young son's who would be devestated if he died (same here!!)
Many thanks
How was the betta acting before you added him to the tank? Is this a new betta or one you've had for awhile? Can you see any signs of physical illness on his body or fins? Can you get a ph reading on the tank? Does he come to the surface for air regularly and then go back down to the bottom? Was the water free of chlorine?

Any additional details you can give might help someone on the forum figure out what's going on.

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