i'm so jealous you all get such wonderful pictures of your bettas. the only pictures i've gotten worth a penny is this- and that was pure luck- and it's not even that good! (but i still love him, so i'm posting it)
One more try...this is George, the first of my bettas. He's a veiltail from PetSmart, and he lives in a 6 gallon tank. He has a lot of personality and would probably be my favorite if I had to choose one.
Sure thing! Angel's an Opaque White Halfmoon co-owned by myself and FishyKisses (we're fishy partners in crime. We're trying to set up our website to get things going). We got him from our LFS, believe it or not.. but was originally imported from Thailland. He has some 4 week old kids that'll be up for sale within a few months.