Betta Only Eats Bloodworms


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Sep 7, 2004
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I have had my betta for around three weeks. He didn't eat the first couple of days i had him, I figured that he was getting use to his new enviroment and I understand that it isn't good to feed for the first couple of days anyway, is this true? Anyway, he didn't eat for almost a week, I had been trying to feed him Wardley betta pellets. Finally he ate a pellet. Then after another week he decied to eat once again, now I was starting to get worried, so I went looking for a new kind of food. I ended up buying frozen bloodworms and he loves them. Every time I feed him he gobbles them up. Is his diet ok with just the worms, what else should I try to give him a balanced healthy diet?
Frozen bloodworms are great, but bettas (like all fish) should have a variety of foods in their diet. You could try frozen brineshrimp, tubifex, or daphnia to supplement the bloodworms (Hikari makes great frozen foods), or even live foods.
Daphnia are freshwater crustacean (like fleas), and tubifex are a type of freshwater worm. They are often available live or frozen,

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