Betta on side for 10 Days

Can you please answer my questions?

He answered in a quote:

Can you please answer the following questions.

How big is the tank? 3.5 Gallons It’s a Aquaponics
Has it got a filter? Yes
How strong is the current? Not strong
Is it cycled? Yes
How often do you change water? Once a month
How much water do you change? 20%
Do you vacuum the substrate? Yes
What additives or chemicals do you use? Aquarium salt Chlorinator? Water Conditioner
Do you use tap or bottled water? If bottled water please give us the brand. Dasani
Do you have a water test kit? Yes 5/1
Can you tell us the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate? Nitrates 5
When you clean the tank can you tell us exactly what you do. Vacuum and water change
What do you feed him? how much? how often?
. Peas ever other day. Betta micro pellets every other day.
I dont think it is a digestive issue though i have read that some bettas behave this way when they are constipated. I suggested a swim bladder issue which goldfish often exhibit I dont know if it resolves itself, but i do know that the fish will continue acting normal and feeding even though it stays in this position. Sorry i couldnt be of more help but perhaps someone else can
Thank you so much for trying!

Ok heres some problems that need fixing.
How often do you change water? Once a month
How much water do you change? 20%
You should be changing 50% at least every week.

What additives or chemicals do you use? Aquarium salt Chlorinator? Water Conditioner
Stop using salt, What brand of water conditioner do you use?

Do you use tap or bottled water? If bottled water please give us the brand. Dasani
Most bottled water is not suitable for fish, the only bottled water I would recommend is something like ELIVE Betta Water Pre-Conditioned or Top Fin® Pre-Conditioned Betta Aquarium Water.

Whats wrong with your tap water?

Peas ever other day. Betta micro pellets every other day.

Stop feeding him peas, you also need to feed him properly, A healthy male Betta will easily eat 6 Betta pellets a day, 3 in the morning 3 at night.

What brand of pellets are they?

First thing I would do is some water changes, 30% a day every day for at least 4 days to get rid of the salt. If your fish has SBD aquarium salt will do more harm than good.

Tell me about your tap water, if you do not know you can look it up on your providers website.

NickAu is giving some great advice. Try following them and it may improve your bettas condition. I strongly agree with a 50% weekly water change, that way the betta can eat proper portions and still have clean water quality

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