Betta not eating.


New Member
Jan 30, 2004
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I just got a new betta about three days ago. Ever since then I haven't see him eat very much and he is very unactive. He won't swim around and he just either sleeps at the bottom or stays still at the top. I feed him two times a day. Once in the morning before i go to school and when I get back the food is still there. At night also. What is wrong with him? Should I be worried?
Please help me! Thanks
I forgot to put in that he doesn't have any signs of sickness. His color is great!
Some bettas are just like that. Try doing water changes and increase the temperature to increase metabolism and activity.

If it doesn't eat for more than a week, return it. However, I don't think it would last that long wihtout eating.
If you've only had him for 3 days, then he's probably still settling in. Keep a close eye on him and watch for any signs of sickness, but other than that, don't worry, he should perk up in a day or or 3.

Feed it once a day untill it starts eating, no reason to have all that food rotting in the water constantly.

How much are you feeding it? Most fish should do not need much food at all. I have heard to feed a flake about the size of the fishes eyeball three times a day. I think most people put way too much food in, and constantly over feed their fish. Hmm, I need to feed my fish ;)

Good luck with the little guy
bettas have lot of character so experiment with different foods, mines seems to only eat bloodworms, the cheeky :shifty:. Flakes pass right by him but he ignores it, and pellets too.

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