Betta Not Eating


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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I posted this problem in the Betta forum first, but I thought I might get more responses here...

I've had this betta for five days now, and he hasn't eaten anything. I've dried frozen/dried/live brine shrimp and bloodworms, betta flakes and pellets. He has no signs of disease...and is swimming around and acting like a normal betta. Any ideas/suggestion as what's going on or what to do?
maybe he is eating, just not when you're watching :/ you could try some lettuce, shelled peas, cucumber or something :thumbs:
I'm pretty sure he's not...I watch him for awhile, and then I take the food out after ten minutes, and there's none gone.

How long can bettas (or any fish) go without eating, before damage is done?
He may come around, mine wouldn't eat when I first got him, either. I feed him pellets, and after about a week or so he decided he would eat them. :rolleyes:
they can survive for a month, thats why betta vases were so 'successful' :grr:

why not leave one pellet in for an hour or 2?? maybe he'll eat it if you leave it to go soggy :sick: perhaps he doesnt like you watching? :eek:
I don't think he's old...I've only had him a few days, though, so I'm not totally sure. He's really active though...that is what's so confusing.
He's probably still getting adjusted don't worry about it... if he still isn't eating in a few weeks though I'd say their is nothing you can do :/
Here's an idea dixaisy930, I don't even know if it would work.

I was just watching Ruby eating off the ground in the middle of the corys. Do you have a cory or any other fish you could put in with him for awhile? I'm thinking that if he saw someone else eating all the food, perhaps he would want some too.

Well, it's a thought.......... :dunno:
I suggest keep trying livefood...he may still be a bit stressed (watching him may be stressing him too) like imagine a giant thing starting at you... keep trying livefood will enocurage him because it moves ;)
Well, I don't sit there and watch them...that would make anyone loose their appetite. :lol: :huh:

I'll get more live brine shrimp today...maybe he'll eat them now.

His tank doesn't have filtration or heat, so I don't think anyone else would appreciate being stuck in there with him (besides it's only about one gallon).

I guess all I can do is keep trying to feed him. -_- :dunno:

Thanks for all of the suggestions, though. :clap:

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