Betta Not Eating!


Fish Crazy
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Monterrey, Mexico
I just got a veiltail betta, and I have fed it almost everything- tetramin flakes, brine shrimp (freeze dried), small pellets (but these are for goldfish...), and some Bio-Blend mix... the only thing it has ate is a small grass fly (about the size as the letter I here...) that i found buzzing around my lamp. What can I do? Any food suggestions? :unsure:
I shouldnt worry about feeding him. I fed my new boy and he got all bunged up and then we had to have peas for dinner so he could have one! :D He wont starve and will eat when he is ready! :good:
:* aw bless him! Hes just a bit mixed up at the minute. Another thing I do and I shouldnt :blush: is rush to get piccies to post on here :blink: and I think that upsets them. Let us know how he is..he will probably eat you out of house and home or he may be a picky one. I have one who refuses to eat betta granules. Trouble is I have 3 blue veiltales and I get mixed up which one he is until I feed them. :lol:
He seems to be eating now that hunger kicked in, im feeding him flake food... I wonder if there is a specific type of food ideal for bettas? :/
He seems to be eating now that hunger kicked in, im feeding him flake food... I wonder if there is a specific type of food ideal for bettas? :/

floating food mostly. use betta pellets that are specifically designed for bettas. and give it freeze dried or frozen bloodworms for a treat. I have found that bettas don't like flakes very much
use betta pellets that are specifically designed for bettas.

Just to add...
When going the pellet route it's good to read the labels too. Not all are created equal and many are mostly fillers. I look for "fish meal" and "shrimp meal" to be high on the list. You don't want rice, wheat and soy meal to outrank the protein.

By the way, HI!

I'm new here. :drinks:
floating food mostly. use betta pellets that are specifically designed for bettas. and give it freeze dried or frozen bloodworms for a treat. I have found that bettas don't like flakes very much

I've read on here that freeze-dried bloodworms can cause constipation and problems with the digestive system, but as an occasional treat, are they all right?
never tried the freeze dried, got some somewhere, used to have a puffer that I tried everything on.

Mine love the frozen bloodworms, but the other week I was persuaded to buy b.worms in vitamin jelly in a packet. Looks like a little sachet and you snip the top off they love those. Dont know how long they would last once you opened a sachet though. About £4 for 16 sachets. Got loads of fish so they all have some. :shout: :shout:
Dont know how long they would last once you opened a sachet though.

You are supposed to only keep them for a day but they keep well in the fridge for up to 4 days. After that I toss 'em. I also find if you feed the worms on a toothpick instead of squirting the gel into the tank it's a less likely to foul the water. All my fish love them. Apple snails are crazy for them too.
Mine will only eat flake food and gets very indignant when I even ATTEMPT to feed him pellets. I think he wants me to just give that thought up entirely. He loves bloodworms tho--freeze dried or frozen.
Mine's proving himself to be a rather picky eater as well. He's interested in eating, but I've tried flake food, mini-pellets, and freeze-dried bloodworms so far to no effect. He'll swallow them and then spit them right back out. It's driving me crazy.
I got one of mine to eat by putting my finger in the tank and he used to come and threaten it. Then after a few days I put my damp finger in the flake food and then in his tank and he ate from my finger. I have bought just about every variety of food going, thank goodness I have 3 enormous fish who like anything! :good:
In the summer my water butt (a device for collecting rain water!) has water fleas and bloodworms grow in it. Would these be ok or do you think they might be polluted? I give them to my old fancy fish but I have had him yonks so he is pretty hardy!

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