Betta Neighbors


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
can you keep bettas in two different tanks next to each other. or will the fish become too stressed?
i ask because i have two. rayne who is a small junvinel he she fish. and jasper who his a full grown vail tail (you can so tell he is an adult comparing him to little rayne)
they seem to enjoy flaring at each other. Rayne never flared until i put jasper next to it. should i have a divider up during feedings or bed time? or remove them from each others line of vision all together
i think some people use dividers that they can't see through, so maybe they should have a divider between the tanks :S
but i keep a male and female in the same tank with a divider, and apart from a bit of flaring they're fine. I think somebody more experienced needs to help you :D
a little bit of flaring is good for them though!
i think some people use dividers that they can't see through, so maybe they should have a divider between the tanks :S
but i keep a male and female in the same tank with a divider, and apart from a bit of flaring they're fine. I think somebody more experienced needs to help you :D
a little bit of flaring is good for them though!

that is what i was thinking, i am not around very often now, so i figured they could annoy each other. but yesterday in the chat i was told it was cruel to do that to them. so wanted betta expert opinions
It's perfectly fine. If every betta needed a tank to itself without being in the view of any other bettas, it'd be pretty hard for the members that have 20+ bettas to take care of them, wouldn't it?
They should be fine. 7 of our are in divided tanks and I think a bit of flaring does them good in terms of excercise. I've heard of some fish getting a little stressed so just keep an eye out :good:

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