Betta Needs

okay totaly new plan
1 male betta in 5 gallon tank with cycled water and claen rockks wiat a sec i saw some betta water at the store should i use it for them anyways with real plants and 2 cute liddle corys and a filter and heater
1 female betta in my 55 gallon community dont worry no gouramis all thats in there is guppies platies 3 male mollies 2 corys 2 more soon andd 4 otos soon 2 serpaes 3 neon and thats all
i have this betta cube and we used it before and the betta lived a long (happy? i dont know if he was happy but pobably)life and i was thinking of getting a baby betta so i could watch it grow and develope and if it was a boy leave it in there with some sort of heater and filter and if it was a girl introduce her to the comunity tank (yes i know all about the territory thing)
sound good *fingers crossed so tight they hurt*
I keep my female with guppies and danios and she's fine, you could even keep 2 females together in a comunity tank (just no males) then keep a male seperate? My male is in a small tank with one silk plant, small filter (similar to the one pictured above) and a heater, he seems happy. Corys should be fine with a male as they tend to hang around at the bottom and keep out of the way (so lots of room for beta to swim around. Corys like sand rather than gravel though so you might want to think about this before setting up a tank. My comunity tank has sand but i havn't added corys yet (still looking to get some).
so... its a yes and for the corys i have 2 with stone bottom and they seem to like it but i may have to check out the sand for the 5 gallon :good: and the ettas im getting a boy for the 5 gal with the stuff that he and the cories need and a girl for the community and a baby for the cube and if turns out female then community it is and another baby for the cube then if its female community for her and so on if its boy for the fist,second,third or so on time then he wil stay in three but some way or another i will have 2 males and 2 or more females
for the corys i'd recommend sticking with a few of the pygmy cory. a 5g is a bit small for any of the other varieties as far as i know. I'd also up the number of neons in your 55... they really do better in groups of 6+. Good luck!

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