Betta Natural Death


New Member
Nov 29, 2005
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My question is just like it sounds.

I have a betta that I've had for around three and a half to four years. I can't remember for sure when I got him, but I think it was about a year before I moved into this house (July 2002).

For the last several months he's gotten paler and paler, his fins have gotten raggedy and he's been a bottom dweller. I was never a good water changer, and actually almost lost him three years ago when I still had him in a Peace Lily bowl. A 100% water change and transfer to a 3 gallon filtered tank perked him up though. I also never really had his water temperature warm enough, but again he never let me know anything was wrong before.

I tried a few water changes, added aquarium salt, left the light on to warm the water, but nothing seems to help. I don't know what the ammonia level was, but the water I use is well water and filtered well to be neutral pH.

The last two months have been horrible. He just lies on the bottom of the tank, only moving if I poke him. He's stopped eating, and it makes me sad to see him every morning. I think, "Oh, thank goodness, he's finally passed," but no, I look closely and I can see his gills moving under the gill cover. They seem a bit swollen and protrude slightly outside the cover, but I admit cluelessness to an optimal state for them.

I went and bought the blue stuff and Bettafix and used both on him tonight, and have him in a warm cup of fresh water next to his tank. I plan to change his water daily, in the hopes of getting him back. Does death from natural causes take this long? I know he's ancient in betta terms, but shouldn't he just die and put us both out of our misery or recover?
yeah sounds like natural cause

sorry 4 ur loss :rip:
By the sounds of it, the fish is not dead yet -_-

If they fish is that old and has no quality of life left, I would actually euthanize it by using clove oil and give it a peaceful death. Not nice for you, but in light of the very old age, best for the fish.
yeah sounds like natural cause

sorry 4 ur loss :rip:
By the sounds of it, the fish is not dead yet -_-

If they fish is that old and has no quality of life left, I would actually euthanize it by using clove oil and give it a peaceful death. Not nice for you, but in light of the very old age, best for the fish.

...And still not dead. I don't think I can bear to euthanize him, but we'll see how I feel in a few days.
Honestly I wouldn't worry about medicating him. It will probably just cause more stress, and it seems you care very much for your fish and don't wanna see him suffer. I know many on here would have the courage to euthanize, but I know I wouldn't. Just make him as comfortable as possible, and he will go when he is supposed to. Goodluck
Theres a good topic. Most people on this forum have such a love for fish they probably wouldnt have the nerve to kill a dying fish, or put it out of its misery. By keeping it alive and making it suffer surely that goes against all Fish Lovers ethics.? I had a platy which was visbly suffering. I had no problems putting him down. If you love your fish you will not let them suffer.!!!
Oh I am sorry to hear you are having troubles. But it sounds to me like your betta is not going to get any better. If I were you I wouldnt let it suffer. I would euthanize him so he wont suffer any longer... I feel bad for you. But if you have had the betta this long it seems to me like it has had a very good life with you. I sure wish everyone had better news for you....... :no: :no: :no: :-( :sad: :sad: :sad:
Thanks everyone for your advice. Fishy Fish finally died on Friday.

I buried him this weekend in my garden and bought his replacement Maxwell today.

Pictures to follow in a seperate thread.
Awww sorry to hear Fishy Fish has passed :-(

He must have been very happy to have had you choose him to come and live with you as he lived so long.

Look forward to seeing pics of your new guy Maxwell
Sorry for your loss, and I'm glad you've found it in your heart to take another boy in so soon and give it a good home.......
As for the euthanizing comment above, I find it absurd to say that I do not love my fish only because I would not kill it. I am strongly against euthanization/PA suicide/ and all other forms when it comes to humans, and I certainly do not see anything wrong with feeling the same way about my pets. If I thought one was suffering enough I would more than likely find someone else to do it for me, but that is my choice. Pain is also a big issue for me, who is to say how much a person/animal is suffering? Only the fish in this case knows how it feels, so why should I feel obligated to take it's life when I feel that yes maybe it is getting old, but it may not be in any sort of pain. The fish in question in this thread sounded exactly like a fish that was coming to its time. Everything ages, but we do not kill our elderly simply because they become more feeble. I have had two fish in which I was strongly considering euthanization, and thankfully they passed before I made that decision. Do I feel like they may have suffered? yes, but that doesn't make me love them any less. I really just don't like comments like that. If you feel that he should euthanize then fine, tell him that. but don't say that I don't love my fish just because I said I couldn't put it down.

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