Betta Loves Tiny Bowl But Hates A 10g O.o


Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2005
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Hi there all. I've had a few bettas during my life. I prefer to keep them in 10g's since it gives them some decent space to swim in. Also I think it's easier to clean a 10g once a week then a bowl every day or two. Anyways this better I got a few weeks ago prefers a tiny 1g bowl to my 10g tank with just himself in it, no other fish to bother him. In the 10g he always acts dead, won't eat much, no bubble nests, nothing. Yet if I pull him out and put him back in the 1g plastic tank he loves it. I just hate using it because it can't have a heater or a filter. The temp stays around 75 though. He just loves it though, hes more active, he eats fine and has a bubble nest that takes up the entire tank top. Even after I change the water every day or other day he rebuilds it asap.

Should I just let him have his way and keep is little bare 1g tank or force him to get a life and live in the 10g?
Does the 10g have a lot of cover? I find that bettas tend to be a bit agoraphobic, and need a lot of soft cover to make them feel safe and active. My male Sori was the same way for a long time, but when I put him into a larger tank filled with caves and plants, he made the transition smoothly.
:lol: You want to know what's funny. . . I was planning to get my 55gal ready for cichlids (they're in temp tanks now) but I wanted to place one of my guys in it for giggles to see if he'd love the space!!

But some bettas are just like that - love the small space and not the big. :wub: whatta ya going to do :rolleyes:
It sometimes makes them stress out a little, having too much space to 'defend and patrol', lol. Others love it!
Some like bowls, some hate current - funny huh
My oldest betta hates a tank..he is in a bowl...and has a nest over top of it....he also doesnt like me cleaning him out..he sulks for a day or so...I tried him in a 2 gal tank and he hid except when I fed him. I might get a couple more of those critter tanks they are more compact. I cant see him properly in the bowl. :crazy:
If I ended up having to keep him in a 1g bowl how often do I need to clean it? I'm scared of him getting ammonia poisening which is why I hate bowls. I'd like to change it every day but I feel bad destorying his nest. With a small bowl like this I just do 100% water changes.
In my 1gals I do 100% waterchange every two days. Everyone is different tho. I also scald the bowls and ornaments at the same time. Once a month I scrub and bleach the jars. If you syphon the waste every day you can prob go 2x a week and still be safe.
ok when you talk about a bubble nest

do you mean at the top of the bowl there are alot of bubbles floating around??

i have a male and i thought those bubbles were a bad thing :look:
ok when you talk about a bubble nest

do you mean at the top of the bowl there are alot of bubbles floating around??

i have a male and i thought those bubbles were a bad thing :look:

Yup, the bubbles are a good thing. Basically means they're happy, also used for breeding.

Also, everyone, is it ok to use sand in a betta tank? I have sand left over from adding some to another fish tank and would like to work on making my betta another tank, maybe he'll like sand instead of gravel?
I've never used sand B4 so don't really know. In the bowls I've used glass marbles from the dollar store. They're so easy to keep clean by putting them in a colander--like you'd use to wash lettuce off- and giving them a good scrubbing to get the yuck off. It's always easier for me to have things be less labor intensive.
love those flat marbles..try to match colour to betta...sad..excuse typing got a yorkie on my lap who wants her breakfast..those flat marbles only upset one betta he could see reflection in them..had to take them out...he is a funny one anyway..very picky only likes a small bowl..but he is my fave!
I have the opposite problem. My guy is in a 5 gal and he's constantly zooming from one side to the other. He even likes to play in the current from the filter.
Ya, one of my bettas have the same problem. He hates 10 gallons, he'll only stay in his 1 gallon. Let him keep it. ;)
Ya, one of my bettas have the same problem. He hates 10 gallons, he'll only stay in his 1 gallon. Let him keep it. ;)

I'm tired of this little bowl. I'm going to set up the 10g after I write this and he'll have to get used to it.
Also, what are some decent roomies for a betta in a 10g?

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