Hi there all. I've had a few bettas during my life. I prefer to keep them in 10g's since it gives them some decent space to swim in. Also I think it's easier to clean a 10g once a week then a bowl every day or two. Anyways this better I got a few weeks ago prefers a tiny 1g bowl to my 10g tank with just himself in it, no other fish to bother him. In the 10g he always acts dead, won't eat much, no bubble nests, nothing. Yet if I pull him out and put him back in the 1g plastic tank he loves it. I just hate using it because it can't have a heater or a filter. The temp stays around 75 though. He just loves it though, hes more active, he eats fine and has a bubble nest that takes up the entire tank top. Even after I change the water every day or other day he rebuilds it asap.
Should I just let him have his way and keep is little bare 1g tank or force him to get a life and live in the 10g?
Should I just let him have his way and keep is little bare 1g tank or force him to get a life and live in the 10g?