Betta love


Apr 19, 2004
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Leicester, England
Well the juvenile male betta that we bought as a female for our community tank has turned out to be the loveliest fish. Not an aggressive bone in his body, he happily swims around with all our other fish and has turned from turquoise to a deep vivid blue. When I put my hand in the tank he likes to swim around in and out of my fingers and nibble at me... so adorable he has become my new favorite fish of the tank!! I have now set up another tank and my lfs is getting some bettas in on wednesday, hope my new one turns out to be as lovely as him :wub:


Jacblades, he is in with 2 male dwarf gourami, 3 black phantom tetras, 2 glass catfish, 4 adult platys, 5 2 month old platy fry, 2 algae eating shrimp, 8 silver tip tetra, 4 male guppies and 2 neon rainbowfish :)
hmm-i dont know if you should have him int eh community with those fish. just because everythnig is peaceful doesnt mean it is always going to be. i know bettas usually dont mix well with livebearers (the platys). maybe someone else who has experience with these combinations could help out?
once you've had Betta you never go back. I mean my experience all started when I had found Ich ridden Ixion (red veil tail) in the local pet store I volunteered at 8 months ago. now look at me... 3 and I am looking to breed...


It goes from pet to obsession in zero flat. But congrats on your find man, he is absolutely georgous. :wub:
We have our eyes on everything in the tank jacblades dont worry, and he has alternate tanks we can move him to if any problems do crop up. :)
It's not hard to fall in love with these little critters. I got my first 2 weeks ago, and now I have 3 although Glory isn't looking too good now. I'm hoping it isn't too late for the bettamax to work and am fearing the worst. I want to look into getting some different types. Yours looks like a crowntail. I love his color.
Your betta is beautiful!!! Bettas are really addicting. I got my first betta the day after Christmas last year, got another one for my birthday in March, and am in the process of begging my parents for another. I can't help it! I'm a bettaholic. :D

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