Betta Love


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX
As some may know I have a very stunning pair of orange plakat bettas that I've wanted to get fry from. They're not cooperating :sly:

The first time I bred them a couple of months ago it went perfectly all the way up until the end. It was textbook...they spawned beautifully, hardly any nipping from the male, the aggression all came from the female, almost like she was griping at him to get it right when he would attempt to wrap around her. But they finally got the hang of it...then the male ate the eggs :rolleyes:

So I gave them some time to grow up because at that time they were only around four months old. They've become so beautiful and smart since then. Their color is fantastic, both being a solid brilliant orange. They're treated like royalty and only fed on live/frozen food (I tried the male on dried and he got swim bladder so I went back to strictly soft food, he just always looked hungry so I was trying to fill him up :lol: ,he's fine now though)

Anyway....they're the brat pack on my kitchen counter, them and the betta in my avatar. Here's the female is in love with the crowntail in my avatar :X , and this time when I tried to breed them she wanted no part of the orange male....she would only swim away and act scared, wouldn't even fan herself at him like last time...even though he was fanning like crazy.

The male was very aggressive this time around and nipped her fins pretty bad (not too bad) but I was really scared he was going to kill her. I've grown quite fond of her over the past few months and she's become my favorite female because she has so much personality. So after 24 hours I seperated them...there was nothing going on except chasing and she was breathing fast so I said enough's enough and put her back in her own tank.

Now in the crowntail has been pouting because what he believes to be "his woman" was gone for a day. I put another female by him to entertain him for the time but he had no interest. As soon as I brought the orange female back....he went crazy, and so did she. It was like reunited lovers :rolleyes:

So....I guess I'll try to get fry out of them :rolleyes: , I really wanted to have babies that were a pure strain but apparently that's not going to happen with these two...for now anyway

Moral of the story...just like people....ya can't force them to love one another, nor can ya stand in the way of true love :rolleyes:
:lol: That was an extremely entertaining soap wuv!! I was giggling the whole time. Cracks me up that you bought a breeding pair and they decided they weren't havin nunna that! Heck with continuing the orange strain eh? :p Anyways... wow.. lemme just say that a cross between those two is gonna be extremely.... interesting. :blink: :lol: Will they be purple, will they be orange.. will they be blue.. will they be YELLOW! :kira: I can't wait to see... if I lived closer I'd definately be buyin one! I think the male is just amazing and the female sounds great too. I wish you better luck!! :thumbs:
Interesting story and it is curious to wonder what kind of offspring these two might produce....hmmmm

On another note, both you and Julie have these great pics for your crowntails fanning out...if I could only get mine to fan just right we would have three similar colored yet different crowntailed betta pics.
Hi wuvmybetta :)

That's some story! :lol:

But, I think I remember you saying you had bought an expensive pair of bettas. I sure hope it wasn't these two! :eek:
juliethegr8t said:
Cracks me up that you bought a breeding pair and they decided they weren't havin nunna that!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I know, I know....I can't hold it against them though, they're just stubborn & headstrong :wub: :lol:

Yes Inchworm...this is them,the little bratzkies :rolleyes: ( :grr: )

I'm curious to see what comes out of the orange and the lavender too, I've noticed over the past couple of weeks that my female has grown little spikes at the top of her short little fin, so I'm supposing that she has some crowntail geno floating around in there somewhere :wub:

I'm going to go clean up the breeding tank (my male had quite a perfect little nest going on :X ) so I'll just move them over there later tonight.

Girlfriend had a night to rest so now it's "back to work"
*cracks whip*
:lol: :p

Fan~ try getting a shot of him from the left side, I've noticed with mine, FM's and a few other crowntail pics that the left is their best side :lol:
wuv-I just wanted to comment that you have the most BEAUTIFUL betta!!! I am so jealous! I love bettas...unfortunately, they don't love me back (they tend to die rather quickly). Anyways, that was a really cute story...who knew fish could be so picky. Good luck with the new breeding pair.
unfortunately yes

They're so rare and hard to come by....the odds of finding another female to match up with the male are pretty slim. Maybe if I let her have a "litter" with the crown I can try her with th orange male again sometime in the future, it's not a total loss....yet ;)
cpowell said:
wuv-I just wanted to comment that you have the most BEAUTIFUL betta!!! I am so jealous! I love bettas...unfortunately, they don't love me back (they tend to die rather quickly).
One of the girls at a downtown LFS had the same problem - her bettas died withing a few days. It may be the water quality. You might need a strong water conditioner like AquaPlus and let it sit out for 12+ hours. Or use Deer Park spring water. I just found out bottled spring water contains traces of arsenic. Deer Park is free from those chemicals. Good luck. And learn from the death of a betta so that others may live in your care. :)
The odds of this happening are probably like 10 million to one but, what if you got an orange crowntail? How cool would that be?!?!?! Then you would really have a rare betta!
Itty Bitty Betta said:
That poor, poor orange male..... :-(
:lol: :lol: I know!! Poor guy has got to be feelin pretty darned unwanted right now... wuv I think you'd better find him a gal to practice with so that maybe next time he'll take better care of his dream girl. :p

Hey let us know how the spawn goes!
Itty Bitty Betta said:
That poor, poor orange male..... :-(
:lol: :lol:

don't feel too sorry for him, he's a brat
And technically the whole episode was a wash because of his aggression. At first I was blaming her for running...but as I watched them longer...I couldn't blame her for running he was being extremely rude

The ONLY time she stuck up for herself was when I fed them some bloodworms...he ran over to grab some and she finally snapped at him :lol:

lol julie@ him feeling unwanted, he knows I love him, even if the girls don't :lol:

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