Betta Lice


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
Hey guys,
One of my cts-Vader just lice. . . or something. I'm going to up the water changes (cause a couple of buds said that it just falls off)

I just was wondering if y'all have seen this before???

Vader Lice

Here's a pic of the whole betta:


:sad: sorry bout the pic - not a good at photography. . . .
One of my little veiltail females broke out with that last year, but only her, no one else, and they all share everything :blink: I was so confused.She had them terribly though, they were everywhere so suddenly. I just did a total scrub down of her tank with hot water and sort of bathed her by switching her from clean cup to clean cup a few times. They tried to come back but I repeated the wc,bath and they were gone after that. I blamed the blackworms, although I don't know one...else got it -_-
It’s just a guess, but it looks like Cotton Fin Fungus and it sounds like the solution that Wuv did was their answer as well. Lots of water changes. Take a look here and look at the pictures of the bettas with it. Looks very similar to your pictures.
Just a word of warning.
Argulas (lice) will lead to a wide range of bacterial problems.
I had an infestation when I started the hobby resulting in a
systemic bacterial infection that wiped out 90% of my tank
(some may remember "the tank of death").

I do think Silvani has it correct.
It’s just a guess, but it looks like Cotton Fin Fungus and it sounds like the solution that Wuv did was their answer as well. Lots of water changes. Take a look here and look at the pictures of the bettas with it. Looks very similar to your pictures.

I agree, after seeing the picture, the lice I saw were undeniable and crawling all over the place.
Are these doing that or are 'they' stationary?
It’s just a guess, but it looks like Cotton Fin Fungus and it sounds like the solution that Wuv did was their answer as well. Lots of water changes. Take a look here and look at the pictures of the bettas with it. Looks very similar to your pictures.

I agree, after seeing the picture, the lice I saw were undeniable and crawling all over the place.
Are these doing that or are 'they' stationary?

The betta lice has turned into betta fungus!!! -_-

(Looks exactly like this. . . )

I've got my CT on Coppersafe. . .but it's still hanging on his tips.

Sorry Wuv - (didn't answer your question) - it's stationary.

Any suggestion guys???
I think yes you can safely use coppersafe for it...sorry didnt twig with the pics being the same :lol:
Here is abit more info for you, but not the writer of this information.
Argulus (a.k.a. Fish Lice)


Infected fish will have flattened, disc-shaped crustaceans measuring between 0.4 and 1.2 cm in diameter. These parasites may be visible anywhere on the body of the fish, including the eyes, gills and fins.


The parasitic crustacean Argulus (a.k.a. Fish Lice). Argulus adhere to the flesh by means of sucker-type discs. Once attached, the parasite pierces the flesh using stinger mouthparts and will suck the blood of the fish. Argulus inject a toxin that will kill smaller fish and leaves reddened, inflamed lesions on larger fish. This lesion often becomes infected. The intense irritation brought on by the Argulus parasite causes fish to rub or scrape against objects in the aquarium. Your fish may even try to jump out of the aquarium. Once the parasite has finished feeding it will swim freely in search of a new host and can survive for up to 3 weeks without a host.


Visible Lice should first be killed by dabbing them with Potassium Permanganate or an anti-parasitic medication. Then, they should be carefully removed from the fish using tweezers. It is paramount that you kill the parasite before attempting to remove it from the fish. It will make it easier to remove and less stressful to the fish. It is a good idea to then dab Methylene Blue on the lesions to prevent secondary infections. It is recommended that you feed your fish medicated food to prevent a bacterial infection from occurring. The whole aquarium will need to be treated to kill any unseen, free-swimming juvenile parasites. Fluke Tabs, Clout, Paragon, and Trifon work great.
:( Well guys. . . I was treating Vader w/ the coppersafe and the lice went away.

But this morning I noticed he was getting kind of bloated. . . so i thought I would try to treat him for constipation/dropsy (just in case). Well went to dinner and come home and the lil' guy's gone. . . .(as in seeing Davey Jone's locker)

I'm soo bummed! :-(

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