Betta-lethargic, Not Eating--what's Best To Give?


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2006
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
He's only not been eating for this one day, had only stopped eating his pellets a couple of days ago--still ate worms! But he's been resting a lot under his leaf canopy on the bottom off and on for a few days. Today, he hung out on the rubbr bracket holding the heater and an angle. But he seemed so weak!! He did respond when I came over and talked to him. When I put a mirror up to the tank, he just starred, not doing his usual flaring and swimming away.

So, first I changed the water today, adding some diluted aquarium salt and a drop of coppersafe as a parasite preventative. SO FAR, REALLY NO CHANGE. I imagine it's bacterial--no other symptoms (I thought I might have seen a little white? or something on his beautiful crowntail back.

So, I have in house bettafix, primafix, tetracycline, erithromycin...aquarisol. I need some advice about what's best to give him. (I hav e no way of distinguishing a gram positive infection from a gram negative one--so directions on boxes don't really help!!)

ANY SUGGESTIONS WOULD BE APPRECIATE. Sorry I've been so incommunicado for a while--busy life and even a vacation (where my betta did great with his auto feeder! back for 2 weeks)

Love to all,
Wendy :( :( :( ^_^
Very difficult to say what,if anything, is wrong with him. If there are no visible signs of a problem, then yes there could be an internal problem. However, without a clearer diagnosis, his condition could be made worse with the wrong meds.
What are your water stats? You say you were away for two weeks, is the tank filtered? How big is the tank?
Very difficult to say what,if anything, is wrong with him. If there are no visible signs of a problem, then yes there could be an internal problem. However, without a clearer diagnosis, his condition could be made worse with the wrong meds.
What are your water stats? You say you were away for two weeks, is the tank filtered? How big is the tank?

Thank you so much for your reply. Unfortunately, my little crowntail betta died last night.

FYI, it's a 3 gallon tank with filter and heater which I cleaned/changed water every week and a half.

:This all came on so quickly with the little guy. He had been sleeping a lot on the gravel--but was eating. I thought that he was just enjoying being under his leaf canopy.

To put it mildly, I am devastated! I've only had him about 4 mos.! And I got him after another precious vt betta died after almost a year's residence at our house.

This is probably my 5th or 6th betta in the last few years.I think I need to take a break from them. I can't stand bonding with one and then losing it again right nPow. It's just too painful.

My husband and I are discussing different pets that might have longer lives. But it's so hard to see his clear 3 gallon tank over on a table in our bedroom. (I have left the filter running in case I wanted to get another fish I wouldn't have to cycle the filter again...)

Thanks for listening...

Wendy :rip: Precious Betta
Awwwww Wendy sorry you lost him. I've got one exactly the same at moment. He's had melafix and then a course of internal bacteria meds but i think i'm going to lose him, he's not eaten for about 4 days now. As a last resort i've put the female that he knows in his tank in a jar to see if it perks him up at all. They spawned together (well tried) but they slept and swam together during the process. They are giants and both seem to have much different temperments to normal bettas.l It's since they were split up he's just gone all depressed and miserable. He's just laying by her jar on the bottom of tank. It's breaking my heart not being able to do anything else for him.
Awwwww Wendy sorry you lost him. I've got one exactly the same at moment. He's had melafix and then a course of internal bacteria meds but i think i'm going to lose him, he's not eaten for about 4 days now. As a last resort i've put the female that he knows in his tank in a jar to see if it perks him up at all. They spawned together (well tried) but they slept and swam together during the process. They are giants and both seem to have much different temperments to normal bettas.l It's since they were split up he's just gone all depressed and miserable. He's just laying by her jar on the bottom of tank. It's breaking my heart not being able to do anything else for him.

Thanks for your warm support. I am praying for your little guy....and for you. I send you a hug (through my tears)! Hope he pulls through!

(I tried holding a mirror up to him and didn't get the usual reaction of him flaring--he just starred at himself. Maybe the female will help him get better.)


:rip: My Precious Betta
Awwwww thanks hun,,,,u've got me in tears now too.....but then i am rather soppy lol
I'm so sorry Wendy.....I know how you must be feeling :-( :-( I lost my Strudel (VT) a few weeks ago and his tank still doesn't have a Betta in it athough we have lots of others all over the house. But his tank was next to me in the lounge where I sit on the laptop and his little face was always there. I know eventually one will go in there but just not yet.

Big hugs xxx
My male is exactly the same! yet the female in the other bit of the tank is as good as ever :S

I've just done water changes and added bacteria control :)

It's my first male, apart from one I had years ago in a community tank that I didn't actually know was a betta. I dont want to lose him!
hey wendy, i know how u feel

I lost my CT dave to dropsy, my HM sobek to the dog (ate him), Fantasia to dropsy, Kira my girlie to unknown causes, and 2day i lost my moomin to dropsy and septicemia, all in the space of 4months, so i know what u mean about giving it up and not bonding with another, 2day i was so temped to sell em all, coz its sooo heartbreaking, but i love my lil guys (and girls)

i hope ur ok, sending big hugs xxx

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