Betta keeping


Fish Aficionado
May 16, 2004
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Southern U.S.
I have four Betta, two male and two female spread out between two vases (open, not those plant ones), a small 1.5 gallon tank and a 30 gallon with Cories. Anyhow, I want something like a barracks system but not a barracks system. I want to keep each fish seperate from the rest with their water, but connected containers if possible.

I've thought about buying a 10 gallon and splitting it four ways but I also want it to be something relatively small and easy to set on a desk (so not big or heavy). Nothing less than 1.5 gallons per fish and easy to clean and maintain. Wide and long but with a low height no more than 6 inches high. So basically a miniature pond with more surface area than depth I can section off.

Since they're Betta, they aren't going to need anything fancy in the way of filtration and water maintenance so I also need something that can be easy to do water changes on every week or so as I'm not going all out on this. I'm kinda tired of traumatizing my fish every time I have to change their water.

So, anyone have ideas on how I can do this short of ordering a custom made aquarium?
hmmm,I think bunj did something like you're talking about. At least I think it was him :unsure: Anyway,they sell long ,shallow tanks on eBay,maybe something like that?
e-Bay.... eh, not too much of an e-Bayer. I might give it a try though, thanks. :)
I have 2 10 gal tanks sitting on my computer desk. I used 3 dividers in each. I put a small hydro sponge filter in the corners of both tanks, 2 per tank. The big reason for 2 filters was the air bubbles on each end of the tank. This keeps the film from forming on top of the water. I have the 8 top females I haven't spawned yet in these tanks. This lets me watch the females closer, and determine when 1 of them is making eggs..I'm getting to the point that if the female isn't producing eggs when you first put her into the spawn tank, then she will not spawn before they tear each up badly, or it is a small spawn. Just an opinion forming.

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