Betta Is Seeming 'lazy'


Nov 9, 2010
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I put one of our Bettas in our community tank a few days ago (inhabitants in my sig). He hasn't been bothered by the current which I was worried about, and he was a bit shy, however he is not as shy anymore.

One thing that concerns me though is that he seems a bit 'lazy' -- he is currently just lying on the gravel against the side of the aquarium, nestled up with a Cory. His gills are moving, but very slowly. Other than this, he isn't showing any problems or signs of stress. He is still quite bright blue and has seemed fine all day.

Is it normal for him to just lay there? My wife is getting pretty concerned, although I think he is fine and is just being lazy (I know they like to be able to lie on something to rest). Thoughts?
I put one of our Bettas in our community tank a few days ago (inhabitants in my sig). He hasn't been bothered by the current which I was worried about, and he was a bit shy, however he is not as shy anymore.

One thing that concerns me though is that he seems a bit 'lazy' -- he is currently just lying on the gravel against the side of the aquarium, nestled up with a Cory. His gills are moving, but very slowly. Other than this, he isn't showing any problems or signs of stress. He is still quite bright blue and has seemed fine all day.

Is it normal for him to just lay there? My wife is getting pretty concerned, although I think he is fine and is just being lazy (I know they like to be able to lie on something to rest). Thoughts?

My Betta always chills out far too much too! I thought it was a problem with the water temperature. I bought a digital water thermometer to get the exact reading, it is reading exactly 26c now as i have raised it slightly from 25c. He seems more active than previous, maybe because of the temperature i don't know. It has been cold recently here in the UK so maybe that's also a factor? or maybe he is just lazy! Here is a pic of my betta in his favourite spot! he always goes here.View attachment 62211

Always resting!

When he is awake...

When he isn't resting... active.jpg


  • resting.jpg
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Hahah, ya after watching him more, he seems fine. He eats fine, and when the light comes on he gets excited and swims around, he truly is just a lazy guy. He was wedged in a plant sleeping yesterday, and then later, I come and see him like this. . .


Face down! I was worried at first, but tapped on the glass for a minute and up he got and started looking for the next place to lie down. Strange fish!
Hahah, ya after watching him more, he seems fine. He eats fine, and when the light comes on he gets excited and swims around, he truly is just a lazy guy. He was wedged in a plant sleeping yesterday, and then later, I come and see him like this. . .


Face down! I was worried at first, but tapped on the glass for a minute and up he got and started looking for the next place to lie down. Strange fish!

Good to see that it's not only my Betta! my Fiance was getting super worried, i think he'll last a very long time. Hopefully longer than one of my Neon tetras, which sadly died today :(
turn your filter down and add almond leaf to the tank sweety hes probably a little stressed and worn out i have my filter on practically no flow :D
Cant really turn it down because he is in a community with 20 other fish and I need the filtration. He seems to 'hover' well so I don't really think that he is having problems with the current. He used to lay on the bottom of his 1.5 gallon too, however there were no nooks like in this one so I think he may just be taking advantage of the environment!
possibly he doesnt seem to have lost colour is there a possibility of bullying?
i havent experienced this with any of my fish but fingers crossed he just sleeps wierdly and isnt ill
what temp is your tank could you up it a little?
He is the biggest fish in the tank and I have never seen anyone even take a nip at him. If anything, he is a bit of a bully at times but not fast enough to catch anyone :lol:

Tank temp is at 74F / 23.3C. Is that temp ok? Previously he was in an unheated tank that Im sure hit the 60s and he didn't act a ton different. He did lay in his plants and on the bottom then too, so I'm really thinking he is just a lazy guy.

Appetite is still good, as well as color, no signs of bacteria, etc.

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