betta in tetra tank is it possible

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So what exactly do you have in the 30g tank right now? Didn't mean to sound rude in my last but it sounded like you were heavily overstocked already and wanted to add 2 angelfish.


It seems now that that may not be the case. If you are able to get rid of one type of schooling fish, consider doing something like this:

30 gallon setup

0 long-finned danios (get rid of the 2 you have, just a suggestion)
4 black phantom tetras
6 neon tetras
3 african dwarf frogs
4 rasboros
1 angelfish

But consider that when the angelfish approaches full size, it WILL eat the neon tetras. Guaranteed. If you could put the neons in another tank, I'd do this (keep in mind that this is only a suggestion):

6-8 black phantom tetras
4 long-finned danios
4 rasboras (what kind are they by the way?)
3 african dwarf frogs
1-2 angelfish (unless you are way overfiltered only get one angel)

Hope this helps, but they are only what I'd do if I were you, and since I'm not, just consider my ideas and do what you feel is best. But make sure you don't overstock, as it can kill your fish quickly and easily. Good luck!
i have 1 danio, one died for no reason, checked water everything is excellent
2 black phantom tetras 4 neons and 3 rasboros and of course the adfs. I was thinking of getting rid of the last danio and doing exactly what you said with the amounts of all the rest of the fish. Thank you. Now i know i can get one angelfish in there and i will be happy and the fish will be too. They are harlequin rasboros. And I will try to get the neons out of the tank before they are lunch for the angelfish. I do take advise well on the forums with people that know what they are talking about and you do, so again thank you for helping me out to figure out.
You're welcome. As long as you have good filtration and fake/live plants, I think one angel will be fine. 8 phantoms may be a bit too many, but 6 is definately OK, especially if you eventually get rid of all the neons. You should absolutely get rid of the lone danio, though, because they are shoaling fish and are miserable by themselves.

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