betta in tetra tank is it possible

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love cichlids

Fish Crazy
Jan 23, 2005
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I have a 30 gallon with black phantom tetras, rasboros,3 adf's,neons,long finned danios. Is it possible to put in one betta in this tank. I want a nice bigger fish to be the show fish of the tank.
I would never, never, never put a betta in with tetras. They are terrible fin nippers. I got Jericho out of a tank of tetras at Walmart and he was almost eaten alive by them. :no:
Personally I would not, your Phantoms will love the nice long fins of the betta. If you have an empty 10 gal a betta with some catfish, bristlenose would be a nice display..... :)
what type of fish can i have as a show fish in this tank then, i have no idea
I have mine with some Red Eye tetras and there is no problem there what so ever.

I don't know what the Phantoms would be like but my boy is fine.

You might want to ask in the forums for cichlids and gouramis if they might know of a good fish. I think those are compatible with tetras and some are very colorful. Nice fish, but I don't keep them, so I'd ask in those forums.
I had mine with glowlights, he's still in the tank but only 2 glowlights are left. No problem with them, he's a wimp and they ignore him.
i love angel fish i might think of that one and do some research and decide, thank you. i don't know much about angel fish, what kind and what is there diet.
i dont have one anymore but i used to feed them on normal flakes and i would add lettuce to the aquarium and they would love that

my fav type of angels are koi - here are some variertys below
i would say u cud get 2 small ones here are some varietys



i would say u cud get 2 small ones here are some varietys
Remember though, you may buy the angels "small" from the petstore, but they will grow, just like any other fish.
If I were you I wouldn't add any fish. You already have FOUR types of schooling fish--tetras, rasboras, neons, and danios. Assuming you are keeping them properly--in schools of at least 5 fish of each species--then you are already overstocked, even if we don't consider the 3 ADFs. My advice to you is to not overstock your tank. Two angels BY THEMSELVES would be crowded in a 30g tank, so there's no way that they will fit in with your tetras and ADFs. Don't compromise the health and happiness of your fish because you want to add more fish--don't do it. :no: Good luck.
i think i should be able to get one angelfish in there. Look at my signature, i had a few deaths because they were in a plastic tub for over a week, there tank cracked and i could not fix it so then i got a new tank for my goldfish and put the tetras in the 30 gallon. i will only have 3 of each type of tetra in the tank, they seem to do fine.

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